The straddle bent: Where freeway infrastructure meets art

The straddle bent: Where freeway infrastructure meets art

August 10, 2017

By John Dougherty / ADOT Communications

An ADOT news release today shared show a structure known as a straddle bent is an important part of the Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway interchange under construction near Interstate 10 and 59th Avenue. Able to straddle lanes of traffic to support a flyover ramp, it's a handy alternative to a standard one-column bridge pier.

Straddle bent construction

I visited the construction site recently to take pictures (including the one at right) as the first straddle bent neared completion, straddling the westbound lanes of I-10. If you drive past it today, the wooden falsework has come down, so you can see its concrete cap in full.

One of the best ways to see how this straddle bent and others will be used is looking at straddle bents at other freeway-to-freeway interchanges. The slideshow above takes you to the I-10/SR 51 HOV lane ramps in central Phoenix and to the Loop 202 Santan/Loop 101 Price interchange in Chandler.

Art of Transportation
We think there is beauty in transportation. It’s not all hard hats and pavement. Art of Transportation is a blog series featuring unique photos our team has taken while on the road or on a construction project.