
Wireless technology allows remote traffic monitoring in Maricopa

Wireless technology allows remote traffic monitoring in Maricopa

December 6, 2016

By Caroline Carpenter / ADOT Communications

What was once the little rural community of Maricopa is now a growing city of nearly 50,000. Along with expansion, the town of Maricopa has experienced some big city problems, including traffic congestion.

As traffic has increased on State Route 347, the main road in and out of the Maricopa, so has the number of complaints about the traffic signals malfunctioning on SR 347. In an effort to ensure ADOT signals are working properly, a wireless communication system has been installed at every intersection along SR 347. Antennas, video cameras and heat detecting cameras allow ADOT traffic signal technicians to remotely monitor traffic and the traffic signals.


While there will still be heavy traffic at times and backups because of crashes, the new remote traffic signal monitoring system is another way ADOT is using technology to continuously improve.

The wireless communication system isn’t the only improvement planned for SR 347. A bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks is also in the works.