Meeting Contract Requirements - Guide to Successfully Completing ADOT Projects
Meeting Contract Requirements - Guide to Successfully Completing ADOT Projects
This section provides information that may be helpful after the execution of a contract. The information contained here pertains mostly to some of the major contract compliance requirements that prime and subcontractors must meet as they work on completing ADOT contracts. Contract Compliance requirements can vary by type of work being done. Therefore, the information on this page is organized by whether it is most closely related to construction services, architectural and engineering design services, or goods and professional services contracts.
Construction Contracts
Construction work varies depending on the role your firm will play in the contract. Because of this, we have separated this guide into four sections. Select the section that applies to you.
Architectural and Engineering Design Contracts
Architectural and engineering design work varies depending on the role you play in the contract. Because of this, we have separated this guide on major contract compliance requirements for consultants to know when completing ADOT contracts into two sections.
Goods and Services Contracts
The Arizona Procurement Portal offers a wide variety of opportunities for all kinds of goods and services providers. For information on how best to meet contract requirements while completing a contract, visit our Goods and Services guide to meeting contract requirements.
In addition to goods and services contracts, ADOT Procurement group also manage construction and professional services contracts for ADOT and Local Public Agencies. Some of these contracts are federally funded and have requirements for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) utilization.
See information on DBE requirements that must be completed during the implementation of federally funded contracts solicited by ADOT Procurement group.
Professional Services Contracts
Construction Contract