Title VI: Nondiscrimination Program

Title VI: Nondiscrimination Program


Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the main legal authority for the Arizona Department of Transportation's external nondiscrimination programs. ADOT's Title VI Program includes the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other nondiscrimination statutes that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. Once an agency accepts federal funds, all of its programs and activities are covered, regardless of their funding source. Related statutes and presidential executive orders under the umbrella of Title VI address environmental justice (EJ) in minority and low-income populations and services to those individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP), women and the disabled.


What Does This Mean?

ADOT cannot, on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability, either directly or through contractual means, do any of these actions:

  • Deny program services, aids or benefits.
  • Provide a different service, aid or benefit, or provide them in a manner different from what is provided to others.
  • Segregate or separately treat individuals in any matter related to the receipt of any service, aid or benefit.
  • Deny an opportunity to participate as a member of a planning, advisory or similar body that is an integral part of the program.

Any federal financial aid subrecipient, such as a metropolitan-planning organization, local government or grantee, is required to administer its program and activities without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability.


How Is Title VI Enforced?

  • Conducting internal and external compliance reviews
  • Conducting Title VI Program Implementation training to staff, suppliers, vendors, contractors, local governments and other ADOT subrecipients of federal funds
  • Developing Title VI compliance information for internal and external dissemination
  • Processing the disposition of Title VI complaints received by ADOT
  • Providing technical support to subrecipients developing their Title VI Program
  • Approving subrecipients' Title VI Policy, Assurances and Plan


Contact Us

ADOT Civil Rights Office
206 S. 17th Ave., MD 155A
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: 602.712.8946 


Stephanie Ortiz
Civil Rights Program Manager
Title VI and Contractor Compliance
Joanna Lucero
Civil Rights Program Manager
Title VI and Environmental Justice



Danielle Valentine
Civil Rights Compliance Manager
Title VI Coordinator
Kevin Torigoe
Civil Rights Specialist



Wendy Milazzo
Civil Rights Specialist