MSE Walls Pre-Approved Systems List and MSE Walls Design Support Documents

MSE Walls Pre-Approved Systems List and MSE Walls Design Support Documents

The systems listed below were approved by ADOT Geotechnical Services and were listed on ADOT’s Approved Product List (APL). These products will remain in approved status until a new Approved Systems List (ASL) is created by Bridge Group. The new ASL will be based on the MSE Wall stored specification that was updated on 7/17/20, and published on 8/14/20 (Specification link is below).

Product ADOT Specific Requirements for Wall System Manufacturer Contact
ARES Wall Ares.pdf Tensar International Corporation
KeySystem I Retaining Wall System Keysystem.pdf Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, LLC
MESA Block Mesa.pdf Tensar International Corporation
MSE Plus Concrete Panel Wall MSEplusConc.pdf SSL, LLC
MSE Plus Welded Wire Wall MSEplusWW.pdf SSL, LLC
Reinforced Earth Company (RECO) Concrete Panel Wall System RECO.pdf Reinforced Earth Company (RECO)
SINE Wall System SINE.pdf Inventure Civil


Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls Design Support Documents

Document Name View Document as a PDF Download Microstation DGN as ZIP
MSE Wall Stored Spec (929MSEW) 929-MSEW.pdf  
Figure 929-2.03(A): MSE Wall Compound Stability Search Zone Locations to
Verify the Most Critical Failure Case for an MSE Wall with Level Backfill
MSE Wall Design Data sheet MSE-Wall-Design-Summary-Sheet.pdf