Motor Vehicle Emissions Modeling

Motor Vehicle Emissions Modeling

Transportation conformity requires transportation plans, programs and projects in any nonattainment area for carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, or ozone to evaluate air quality impacts before receiving Federal approval. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) submits air quality plans to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that contains an emissions inventory of all sources that emit pollutants into the air. These air quality State Implementation Plans (SIPs) contain a cap on vehicle emissions, this limit on emissions is referred to as a Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget (MVEB). The EPA determines whether any MVEB established in an SIP is adequate for transportation conformity purposes, a list of approved budgets can be found on EPA's website.

The EPA also approves the type of emissions models that can be used to estimate transportation related emissions for a "regional conformity analysis" and project level "hot spot" analysis. ADOT Air Quality staff uses these models for regional and project level conformity analysis when necessary and also provides local agencies with specific motor vehicle registration data required to run these models, for more information contact [email protected].

Recent EPA Guidance on emissions models used for transportation: