Motor Vehicle Emissions Modeling
Motor Vehicle Emissions Modeling
Transportation conformity requires transportation plans, programs and projects in any nonattainment area for carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, or ozone to evaluate air quality impacts before receiving Federal approval. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) submits air quality plans to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that contains an emissions inventory of all sources that emit pollutants into the air. These air quality State Implementation Plans (SIPs) contain a cap on vehicle emissions, this limit on emissions is referred to as a Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget (MVEB). The EPA determines whether any MVEB established in an SIP is adequate for transportation conformity purposes, a list of approved budgets can be found on EPA's website.
The EPA also approves the type of emissions models that can be used to estimate transportation related emissions for a "regional conformity analysis" and project level "hot spot" analysis. ADOT Air Quality staff uses these models for regional and project level conformity analysis when necessary and also provides local agencies with specific motor vehicle registration data required to run these models, for more information contact [email protected].
Recent EPA Guidance on emissions models used for transportation:
- November 21, 2024: EPA releases the fifth version of M0tor Vehicle Emission Simulator. MOVES5 is a state-of-the-science emission modeling system for estimating emissions from on-road vehicles and other categories of nonroad equipment.
- For tailpipe emissions: Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator model (currently MOVES4) is required for regional emissions analyses for transportation conformity determinations “regional conformity analyses” and for Project level “hot spot” analysis. The EPA released MOVES4 on in September 12, 2023, this is the latest version of MOVES that is required for regulatory transportation emissions analysis.
- Federal Register Notice of Availability: Official Release of MOVES4 Motor Vehicle Emissions Model for Emissions Inventories in SIPs and Transportation Conformity (pdf) This announcement starts a two-year transportation conformity grace period that ends on September 12, 2025. After this date, MOVES4 will need to be used as the latest EPA emissions model for new transportation conformity analyses outside of California in both regional emissions analyses and in hot-spot analysis.
- For re-entrained road dust: The EPA uses "AP-42: Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors" to estimate road dust from paved and unpaved roadways. AP-42 Methods for Estimating Re-Entrained Road Dust from Paved roads 13.2.1 was updated on January 2011 and required for any conformity analysis Feb. 4, 2013. The current AP-42 Methods for Unpaved Roads can be found in section 13.2.2 last updated November 2006.
- For air quality dispersion models: The current EPA approved models for project level emissions analysis include either AERMOD & AERMET Version 23132 updated October 22, 2023, or CAL3QHCR Version 13196 updated July 15, 2013 only for CO modeling applications. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) provides Guidance for Air Quality Dispersion Modeling and pre-processed Meteorological Data on the ADEQ website.