Contact Environmental Planning

Contact Environmental Planning

Environmental Planning provides environmental clearances, technical assistance and education to ADOT and its customers in support of ADOT's mission.

Central Office

205 S. 17th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85007

Phone: 602.712.7767 
Fax: 602.712.3066

Flagstaff Office

1959 South Woodlands Village Blvd. Suite 130
MD F500
Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Phone: 928.774.1491 
Fax: 928.774.0784

Tucson Office

1221 S. Second Ave.
MD T100
Tucson, AZ 85713

Phone: 520.388.4200
Fax: 520.388.4255



Environmental Planning and NEPA Assignment

Cultural Resources

Biology & Clean Water Act Section 404/401

Air Quality and Noise


Standards, Implementation and Training

Water Resources

  • Eileen Dunn, Water Resources Manager
  • Dave Mack, Industrial Stormwater Program Coordinator
  • Richard Mendolia, Groundwater Protection Coordinator (App, Drinking Water, Wastewater)
  • Laura Nordan, Municipal Stormwater Program Coordinator (MS4, Pesticide, Construction, Di Minimis Stormwater Permits, Illicit Discharges and Connections)


Emergency Response Services

For transportation system chemical spill events from tankers or cargo trucks, diesel saddle tank releases or abandoned hazardous materials items on right of way, contact the ADOT emergency responders. They will contact and coordinate with other federal, state and local emergency responders as event circumstances require.