Noise Abatement Requirements
Noise Abatement Requirements
FHWA regulations for noise evaluation are detailed in Title 23: Highways - Part 772-Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise. The regulations require the consideration of noise abatement mitigation when traffic noise impacts that exceed a defined threshold are identified.
Update: The 2011 ADOT Noise Abatement Policy has been replaced by the May 2017 update entitled "Arizona Department of Transportation Noise Abatement Requirements". All federal projects that require a new noise analysis or existing projects that have yet to begin a noise analysis are required to follow these new requirements.
The FHWA regulations require the following during the planning and design of a highway project:
- Identification of traffic noise impacts and examination of potential mitigation measures
- Incorporation of reasonable (resident/owner preferences, noise reduction goals, cost effectiveness) and feasible (engineering and acoustic) noise mitigation measures into the highway project
- Coordination with local officials to provide helpful information on compatible land use planning and control
ADOT Requirements
- Noise Abatement Requirements - 2017
- Noise Abatement Policy (Provided for reference purposes only, for noise studies prior to May 2017.)
Please contact the EPG Noise Specialist for consultation prior to beginning any noise analysis for all ADOT managed or approved projects. Ivan Racic (ADOT Noise Specialist) can be reached at 480.773.8497 or [email protected].
FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM)