Project Development - Noise
Project Development - Noise
Noise abatement measure, identified as reasonable and feasible during the environmental phase, will be evaluated under the NEPA analysis. Any changes in the final roadway features, such as the grade, horizontal alignment, land use category changes, ground elevation at noise wall locations (the top of noise wall elevation for both minimum and desirable insertion reductions) will require a reassessment of noise abatement.
Recently approved project-related noise analyses
This information is presented purely to assist with noise-compatible land use planning decision making. Abatement for lands permitted after the Date of Public Knowledge for this project is not eligible for federal aid. Please contact Environmental Planning Noise staff prior to beginning any noise analysis for all ADOT managed or approved projects to beginning any noise analysis for all ADOT managed or approved projects. Completed noise analysis documents will be posted here as applicable.
Consultant Resources
Highway Traffic Noise: Analysis and Abatement Guidance
The purpose of this document is to provide Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidance for the applying 23 CFR 772 in the analysis and abatement of highway traffic noise. Following this guidance is strictly voluntary. It is based on lessons learned and best practices and does not constitute the establishment of an FHWA standard. Not all studies are the same; therefore this guidance is intended to be non‐prescriptive, and its application flexible and scalable to the type and complexity of the analysis to be undertaken.
FHWA Noise Barrier Acceptance Criteria
This report examines the feasibility and reasonableness factors in the FHWA noise regulation (23 CFR 772) as implemented in the individual state highway agency noise policies
Noise Analysis Screening Checklist
This screening tool is used to determine the level of noise analysis needed for a Federally Funded project and assess the potential for noise impacts in order to determine if a detailed noise study should be undertaken. - To be completed by ADOT
Instructions on Methodology Meeting and Streamlining
This document describes what information is need before proceeding with noise analysis and the use of the Methodology Meeting Checklist. Additional tools and resources available for use in noise analysis will also be discussed at this meeting.
Instructions on Land Use Category Determination
This document provides additional information on land use categories that are specific to ADOT projects.
Instruction on Solicitation of Viewpoints in Project Type I Noise Analysis
This document provides a detailed approach on how to determine if noise abatement measure is wanted.
Quality Control Checklist - Noise Analysis Report Content
This document is generally how ADOT noise staff will assess if a noise report contains all the required elements for approval on ADOT projects. Please contact Environmental Planning Noise staff for example of an acceptable Traffic Noise Analysis Report including how to document findings specific to ADOT projects.