Phase IV - Maintenance

Phase IV - Maintenance

ADOT maintenance and operations for the state highway system are provided through our Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) division and district maintenance and operations teams in the Infrastructure Delivery and Operations (IDO) division. Pressing maintenance and operational issues are thoroughly evaluated and addressed through statewide meetings that include representatives from the districts, regional areas, and TSMO groups.

Systems Management works closely with TSMO and IDO for managing the appropriated maintenance budget and allocating funds to the seven engineering districts and TSMO groups.  Each of the seven districts manages maintenance and operations for their area. ADOT's seven district areas within Arizona include Northcentral, Northeast, Northwest, Central, Southwest, Southcentral, and Southeast. Maintenance and operations is led by the District Maintenance Engineer, Assistant District Engineer, Operations Engineer, and a Maintenance Superintendent.  TSMO’s budget covers Traffic Maintenance, Systems Maintenance, Operational Traffic and Safety, Systems Management, Traffic Management, and Systems Technology/Innovation. The maintenance and operation staff members participate in development and construction milestone reviews and project closeout to ensure that durability and maintenance cost sensitive items are implemented throughout the development process.

Maintenance personnel should be involved early and often when starting the project development process and continue involvement through the design and construction phases, providing input into the maintainability of design elements. Early involvement from the maintenance section will help project managers and design teams specify items that are easy to maintain, which helps lower the life cycle costs of operating our roadways.

TSMO personnel deal primarily with traffic congestion, highway safety, emergency management, traffic signals, signing & striping, pump houses, tunnel operations, Traffic Operation Center (TOC), Highway lighting, and ITS equipment such as Dynamic Messaging Signs (DMS), Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS), etc.

Phase IV: Maintenance Graphic

PM Actions and Tasks

  • Coordinate submittals and submittal reviews with maintenance staff.
  • For Emergency Relief (ER) projects, initiate projects for the districts and the local agencies.


PM Deliverables

  • Provide submittals to maintenance personnel.
  • For ER projects, provide TRACS and Federal Aid No. to affected agencies.


Maintenance Links


Maintenance Attachments

Districts maintenance staff perform activities to repair assets on the highway system such as guard rails, fences, drainage structures, pavement work, snow plowing, etc.  They inspect roadways after a significant natural disaster such as a storm event or fire to assess possible erosion issues related to storm water runoff.  If damages are determined to be major, Systems Management works as a liaison with the Federal Highway Administration to request emergency relief funds for repairs, debris clean up and emergency response.

In addition to the services mentioned above, each district office houses a permits services section that issues a variety of permits to individuals, companies or agencies desiring to use, enter, or impact ADOT right-of-way. Permits are designed to protect public interest and ensure safety related to outdoor advertising, film crews, oversized loads, junkyards, right-of-way encroachments and special events.