I-17 101 traffic interchange

ADOT’s Name-A-Snowplow Contest back for another year

ADOT’s Name-A-Snowplow Contest back for another year

January 28, 2025

Submit creative, “winter-themed” names through Feb. 3

PHOENIX – Back for a third year, the Arizona Department of Transportation is again asking the public to name its snowplows.

ADOT’s Name-A-Snowplow Contest gives Arizonans the opportunity to submit creative names for six snowplows across the state at azdot.gov/NameAPlow.

ADOT’s snowplow operators play a vital role in clearing snow and ice off Arizona’s highways when winter storms hit places such as Flagstaff, along the Mogollon Rim and southeast Arizona. Last winter, ADOT snowplows logged about 1 million miles. 

“Our snowplow operators help keep Arizonans safe on the highways when winter storms hit,” ADOT Director Jennifer Toth said. “This contest is an engaging way to remind the traveling public how to safely drive around snowplows, highlight the work our snowplow operators put in each winter and give a few creative Arizonans bragging rights.” 

Here’s how the contest works:

  • Dream up as many creative snowplow names as you can and submit them to azdot.gov/NameAPlow by Feb. 3. There’s no limit on how many times you can enter. You can include your email address in the form so we can contact you if your snowplow name ends up winning. 
  • ADOT will review every submission and select 12-15 finalists. The public will then vote for their favorite names.
  • The six names that receive the most votes will be placed with a decal on the snowplow.

Last year, “Snowbi-Wan Kenobi,” “Fast and Flurryous” and “Scoopacabra” were the contest winners. Arizonans sent in about 3,400 snowplow names and cast 9,500 overall votes to determine the winners.

Remember, if you encounter “Snowbi-Wan Kenobi” or any other snowplows in the wild: 

  • Never attempt to pass a snowplow. 
  • Stay at least four car-lengths behind snowplows and equipment.
  • Slow down and give the plow extra room. 

Find more winter driving safety tips at azdot.gov/KnowSnow.