Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act/Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act/Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Overview: Infrastructure law - the basics
On Nov. 15, 2021, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was signed into law. This is a large, complex piece of legislation that funds multiple areas over a span of years. It will require state, local and federal partnership and detailed analysis to fully implement. The Arizona Department of Transportation is currently working with our federal partners to better understand this legislation’s ultimate impact. This is an extensive process and is not a matter of simply accepting money to be used immediately. Funds may be allocated either through a set formula or through a competitive process.
Federal grants awarded
- INFRA (the Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight & Highway Projects program) FY23 - FY24 awards
- Federal Highway Administration's Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program FY22 - FY23 awards
- Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) Demonstration Funding 2023 awards
- Defense Community Infrastructure Pilot Program 2022 awards
- RAISE 2022 awards
- INFRA 2022 awards
- High Priority-Innovative Technology Deployment (HP-ITD)
- Commercial Drivers License Program Implementation (CDLPI)
What we know at this time
For highways in Arizona, Arizona expects to receive an increase of more than $200 million per year over the next five fiscal years (2022-2026). That is part of the overall $5.3 billion in funding for the state of Arizona based on federal funding formulas. “Formula funding” is money that is allocated from the federal government to the state. ADOT will retain some of the new formula funds from the IIJA, and some will be sent to local government organizations for their use.
What we don’t know yet
The IIJA also creates three new federal formula programs and several new discretionary grant programs. Discretionary programs require that money be applied for in a competitive process. ADOT will need additional guidance from federal partners on how these programs will operate before we know how we can utilize them in Arizona. We expect many new opportunities from the creation of these programs, and ADOT stands ready to use these funds to improve Arizona’s infrastructure.
Grants available
Grants listed are from the Federal Highway Administration and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Specific grant related requirements including eligible projects, eligible applicants, cost sharing (match), application format and deadline are linked below.
A list of anticipated dates for IIJA grant Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) is available on the U.S. Department of Transportation website.
- Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program grant is due Feb. 24, 2025
The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) and FHWA have a variety of competitive grant programs used to fund various types of transportation projects and activities. USDOT has provided a list of preparation tips for grant application success.
For any grant application support, it is recommended that early communication with the Grant Coordinator is made, and a completed ADOT Grant Coordination Support Request Form is submitted at least 30 days before the grant deadline.
In addition, the AZ SMART Fund was established by the Arizona Legislature in 2022 to assist eligible cities, towns, counties and the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) in competing for federal discretionary surface transportation grants. Visit the AZ Smart Fund webpage for information on eligibility and applications.
Visit Local Partner Grant Support for more information or view our Frequently Asked Questions.
IIJA News Releases
ADOT’s efforts to improve US 93 get $26 million boost
ADOT receives $95 million federal grant for I-10 expansion
Federal grant will fund I-17 wildlife overpass near Flagstaff
ADOT statewide electric vehicle charger plan gets approval
ADOT seeking federal grant for the West Kingman Traffic Interchange
ADOT laying groundwork to develop statewide network of electric vehicle charging stations
ADOT to compete for federal grant to speed up US 93 improvements
Arizona Launches Critical Effort To Enhance Infrastructure
New federal Infrastructure law is one piece of ADOT funding process