Transportation Consultation with Rural Officials (TCRO)
Transportation Consultation with Rural Officials (TCRO)
ADOT is the primary decision maker for federal-aid transportation plans and investments in nonmetropolitan areas with populations below 50,000. However, ADOT understands the importance of consulting with local governments before, during and after the decision-making process to ensure participation results in improved transportation system planning, performance and project development. Therefore, ADOT has developed guidelines that outline the consultation process and define how and when outreach will occur with officials from rural areas.
The primary guidelines for state consultation with nonmetropolitan local officials are contained in the FHWA and FTA joint rulemaking, statewide and metropolitan planning: Part 450 Planning Assistance and Standards. (Federal Register: Feb. 14, 2007, Part III). According to 23 CFR 450.210(b), at least once every five years (as of Feb. 24, 2006), the state shall review and solicit comments from nonmetropolitan local officials and other interested parties for a period of not less than 60 calendar days regarding the effectiveness of the consultation process and any proposed changes. A specific request for comments shall be directed to the state association of counties, state municipal league, regional planning agencies or directly to nonmetropolitan local officials.
It is intended that this document is subject to review and revision every five years. In the event that Congress enacts new transportation language, this document will be subject to immediate revision.
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