Original Border Master Plan (BMP) 2013

Original Border Master Plan (BMP) 2013

Original Border Master Plan (BMP) 2013

2013 Border Master Plan report (cover)

The original Border Master Plan was a comprehensive binational approach to coordinating the planning and delivery of projects to improve traffic operations at each of the nine land ports of entry (LPOEs) along the Arizona-Sonora border. The Goals and Objectives of this plan included:

  • Develop and implement a plan for identifying, prioritizing, and promoting LPOE and related transportation projects and services;
  • Design a process to ensure relevant international stakeholders participate in the planning of LPOE projects and related transportation infrastructure improvements in the border region;
  • Increase understanding of the LPOE and transportation planning processes on both sides of the border; and
  • Establish a process for continued dialogue among relevant international stakeholders that will promote coordination on current and future projects, especially through coordination of planning and programming processes adopted and pursued by study participants/partners.


To view the plan and learn more, visit the FHWA webpage.