Asset Management
Asset Management
ADOT is responsible for the construction, operation, management and maintenance of the State Highway System (SHS) which comprises more than 21,000 lane miles and is valued at more than $20 billion. The dependable and efficient operation of this transportation network is vital to Arizona’s economic competitiveness and quality of life. Moreover, the safety and welfare of the travelling public depends on the successful management of the transportation assets on the SHS and the National Highway System (NHS).
The majority of ADOT’s bridge and pavement infrastructure will reach the end of its normal lifecycle over the next 10 years. With proper preservation treatments, the life of this infrastructure can be extended. However, as Arizona’s highway system ages, the resources needed to maintain it will increase. This makes the identification and implementation of strategies that preserve existing assets while controlling costs essential to sustaining a balanced, fiscally sound state highway program.
Managing assets throughout their lifecycle with an emphasis on preservation treatments is a proactive approach, requiring a long-term perspective and significant planning. It is becoming a standard practice for DOTs to address this planning need by the development of a Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP).
ADOT has prepared an initial TAMP describing the steps that will be undertaken to develop a final TAMP by June 30, 2019. The final TAMP will contain the following elements:
- Asset management objectives;
- A summary description of the condition of SHS and NHS pavements and bridges, regardless of ownership;
- Asset management performance measures and state DOT targets for asset condition;
- Performance gap analysis;
- Risk management analysis, including an evaluation of facilities repeatedly damaged by emergency events;
- Network life cycle planning;
- A financial plan; and
- Investment strategies.