Milton Road Corridor Master Plan

Milton Road Corridor Master Plan


Milton Rd (aka SR 89A) is the primary roadway corridor within the heart of the City of Flagstaff, yet experiences severe traffic congestion during peak-hour traffic during weekdays as well as gridlock (bumper-to-bumper) traffic during winter weekends due to nearby snow play destinations. The purpose of the Milton Rd Corridor Master Plan is to identify a 20-year vision for the corridor by obtaining public and stakeholder input on alternative improvement strategies.

Public Involvement

Public Meeting Notice

6:30 - 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020

ADOT will host a virtual public open house meeting Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020, from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

  • 6:30 - 7 p.m. – Participants will be asked to register, view a pre-recorded presentation and review project materials.
  • 7 - 8 p.m. – LIVE Q & A session will be held with ADOT representatives and the project team. This is your opportunity to ask questions and provide input on the corridor master plan!
  • Comment – We need your input! Please complete the online survey between Nov. 18th and Dec. 4th.

Join Virtual Public Open House Meeting

Online Survey (available Nov. 18 – Dec. 4)

Meeting Materials

Project Area Map

The Milton Rd Corridor Master Plan starts at Forest Meadows St and continues on until Milton Rd turns into Route 66 (at Butler Ave), ending at Beaver St.
Milton Road Corridor Master Plan Map


The Milton Rd Corridor Master Plan is being conducted concurrently with the ADOT US 180 Corridor Master Plan and in collaboration with the Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority’s (NAIPTA) on-going transit plans.


Contact Us

Jason James
Project Manager
Arizona Department of Transportation
1611 West Jackson Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007