State Route 377 Safety Study: Heber-Overgaard - Holbrook

State Route 377 Safety Study: Heber-Overgaard - Holbrook


study complete

State Route 377 - Road Safety Assessment



Project Cost: $140,000

The Arizona Department of Transportation has completed a safety study on State Route 377 between Heber-Overgaard and Holbrook. The study evaluated roadway and traffic conditions, identified potential safety issues and evaluated possible ways to improve safety and travel on the state roadway. The study was conducted in 2022. 



During its last budget session, the Arizona State Legislature appropriated $140,000 in the current state budget to fund the SR 377 Safety Study. The study will help determine if there are any significant safety issues on the roadway and how the issues could best be addressed.

SR 377 Project Map


At this time, there is no funding in place to pay for any improvements recommended in the study. 


What the study examined

The safety study analyzed past motor-vehicle crashes and current traffic conditions (speed and volume) planned construction and projected future operational characteristics. This entailed conducting a field review of the SR 377 corridor and a survey of existing roadway configurations. The study also evaluated public input received from the survey and identified specific segments along SR 377 where crashes have occurred in the past and possible solutions to address problem areas.

The final report included:

  • Results of the roadway assessment, including any documented or potential crash “hot spots” or traffic operations concerns.
  • Recommendations for possible engineering, enforcement, education or emergency medical services (EMS) countermeasures to address any safety and traffic operations concerns.
  • Recommendations of possible low-cost, near-term changes to the road characteristics to improve safety and traffic operations.
  • Crashes that would likely be affected by implementation of these changes.
  • Cost estimates of the study recommendations.
  • Cost-benefit analysis of the proposed study recommendations.
  • A summary of the public/stakeholder survey results.


What happens now that the study is complete

Recommendations from the study will be evaluated by ADOT engineers for effectiveness and feasibility. Recommendations that are eventually approved will be prioritized with other ADOT projects across the state and considered based on available funding and resources.


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