Loop 303: MC 85 to Van Buren Street Improvements

Loop 303: MC 85 to Van Buren Street Improvements



The Arizona Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the city of Goodyear, the Federal Highway Administration, the Maricopa Association of Governments and the Flood Control District of Maricopa County has initiated a project to construct a new segment of Loop 303 between Maricopa County Road 85 (MC 85) and Van Buren Street in Goodyear.

This project is related to an ADOT study completed in 2018. Learn more here.

Project Map

Loop 303: MC 85 to Van Buren Street Improvements Map

Project Elements

Design work is underway on this new segment of Loop 303 that will extend from MC 85 north to Van Buren Street. The project elements include:

  • Constructing a new section of Loop 303 elevated over the cross streets and the Union Pacific Railroad, from MC 85 to Van Buren Street

  • Constructing two general purpose lanes in each direction from MC 85 to Lower Buckeye Road

  • Constructing three general purpose lanes in each direction from Lower Buckeye Road to Van Buren Street 

  • Completing the south half of the Van Buren Street diamond traffic interchange

  • Constructing a full diamond traffic interchange at Yuma Road

  • Constructing a half diamond traffic interchange at Elwood Street

  • Constructing a signalized intersection at MC 85

  • Constructing one-way frontage roads in each direction to maintain local access, including connections to the major arterial streets from Elwood to Van Buren streets

  • Replacing neighborhood retention basins along the Canyon Trails Channel and connecting the Canyon Trails channel to the Loop 303 Outfall Channel

  • Constructing a First Flush Basin at the southeast corner of Citrus and Broadway roads

  • Constructing linear drainage basins from Elwood Street to MC85

  • Adding new soundwalls where warranted based on the project’s noise analysis

  • Installing new lighting, signage and other features

Project Schedule

  • The project is currently in the design phase.
  • Construction is anticipated to begin in 2025.
  • Construction is anticipated to last approximately three years.

Project Fact Sheet

(English and Spanish)
Loop 303 MC85 to Van Buren Fact Sheet Image

Public Meetings


Loop 303, MC 85 to Van Buren Street Project

In-Person Public Meeting

A public meeting was held Wednesday evening, May 10, 2023, at Desert Edge High School in Goodyear.
The project team gave a presentation on the project, followed by a Q&A session. The presentation slides with notes can be found under the Public Meeting Content section, along with other project documents and videos.

Virtual Public Meeting

A virtual public meeting was held Thursday evening, May 11, 2023. It featured a presentation on the project followed by a Q&A session. A video recording of the presentation (English and Spanish) can be found under the Public Meeting Content section, along with other project documents and videos.

Public Meeting Content

Public Meetings Summary Report

Meeting Presentation

Meeting Exhibits

5.11.23 Virtual Public Meeting Recording (Eng)

5.11.23 Virtual Public Meeting Recording (Sp)

Project Simulation (narrated)

Project Simulation (link to simulation) or use QR Code:  Simulation QR Code

Project Documents

Final Air Reevaluation Quality Memo

Addendum 1 to Final Noise Report

Final Noise Report

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Submit questions and comments or request information in any of the following ways:

  • Phone: ADOT Project Information Line: 855.712.8530
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Mail: ADOT Communications, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007