Acquire Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Vehicle

Acquire Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Vehicle


Project rationale

The airport has two Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) vehicles; one small and one large. The small, “Index A,” vehicle has reached the end of its useful life. It is 15 years old, has obsolete equipment and costs more to repair that it is worth.

Acquiring a new Index A truck will greatly increase our capabilities and greatly reduce operating and maintenance costs.


Project Status

Airport operations and fire fighting staff worked hard last winter to develop specifications according to FAA guidelines. The ARFF vehicle has been put out to bid and we expect to have the offers on April 30, 2021.


What to expect

Keep an eye on this project page and we will post photos of an ARFF truck from the winning bidder. It usually takes about 18 months for an ARFF truck to be manufactured, and we will post photos of our new truck when it is delivered.


Project Cost

Estimated Purchase Price: $300,000

Project will be 91.06% funded by an Airport Improvement Program grant from the FAA, with the remaining 8.94% coming from the State Aviation Fund, managed by the ADOT Aeronautics Group.