The airport has two Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) vehicles; one small and one large. The small, “Index A,” vehicle has reached the end of its useful life. It is 15 years old, has obsolete equipment and costs more to repair that it is worth. Acquiring a new Index A truck will greatly increase our capabilities and greatly reduce operating and maintenance costs.
The current drainage system is now inside the Runway Safety Area (RSA), causing a safety and standards concern. Furthermore, the drainage system no longer adequately removes water from the airfield, allowing water to pool rather than flow. An award-winning Drainage Master Plan and Water Use Study was completed in 2018 by Dibble Associates. This study informed the decision making and design of our updated drainage system.
The airport entry monument is in a severe state of disrepair, and the wayfinding signage as well as the street signs are old, faded, and no longer complete their task of helping customers find their way to their flights. The airport decided that a complete repair and renovation of the entry monuments and a radical re-thinking of our wayfinding signage was in order.
The Grand Canyon National Airport is gearing up for a significant runway rehabilitation project designed to improve safety and operational efficiency for all users. The airport’s current runway surfaces have deteriorated over time due to regular use and exposure to environmental conditions. This project will rehabilitate the runway’s infrastructure, extending its lifespan.
Adding shoulders to a runway increases safety. In the event of a runway excursion (an aircraft unintentionally veers off the runway) the shoulders give the pilot more pavement on which to regain control before ending up in the dirt infield.
The airport terminal was built in 1967. The restrooms were dated, small, and because of age, could not be brought into compliance with the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).