Interstate 40 Hermosa Drive Bridge Rehabilitation

Interstate 40 Hermosa Drive Bridge Rehabilitation


This project is complete


Project Cost: $2.7 million

The Arizona Department of Transportation has completed a rehabilitation project on the Hermosa Drive Bridge over Interstate 40 in Holbrook. The bridge is located at milepost 288 on I-40.

The project limits will extend approximately a half-mile east and west of the bridge along I-40 and about a quarter-mile in both directions from the bridge along Hermosa Drive. The work will occur on ADOT right of way.


Project Elements

The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate and extend the life of the existing bridge. The work will include:

  • Replacing the existing bridge deck including concrete slabs and superstructures, as needed.
  • Removing, replacing and constructing guardrails and barriers.
  • Roadway improvements at the bridge approach and departure to match new deck elevations.
  • Placing embedded advance warning traffic-control signage, where appropriate.


 Project Area Map 


What to Expect During Construction

A detour will be in place using State Route 77 (known locally as Navajo Boulevard) when the I-40 closures are in effect. Eastbound drivers will use Exit 286, proceed eastbound on Navajo Boulevard and then re-enter eastbound I-40 at Exit 289. Westbound drivers will use Exit 289, proceed westbound on Navajo Boulevard and then re-enter westbound I-40 at Exit 286.

ADOT will post information about traffic restrictions and closures as it becomes available. To receive traffic alerts and other updates by email, please subscribe here.

You can also stay informed of real-time, project-related traffic restrictions by visiting or call 511, except while driving.

Schedules are subject to change because of weather or other unforeseen factors. Remember to slow down and use caution around construction workers and equipment. 


Stay Informed


By email: Subscribe to receive traffic alerts and project updates directly to your email.

By phone: Phone: ADOT Project Information Line: 855.712.8530

Teléfono: Línea de Información del Proyecto ADOT: 855.712.8530

Online: Submit a question or comment through the ADOT website by visiting and then select “Projects” from the dropdown menu.

By mail: Write to ADOT Community Relations, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007.

ADOT Project Number: 040 NA 288 F0230 01C; Federal-Aid Number: NHPP-040-D(241)T