SR 264: Tuba City - Window Rock Highway

SR 264: Tuba City - Window Rock Highway


This project is complete


Project Cost: $4.5 million

The Arizona Department of Transportation has completed a pavement preservation project on State Route 264 east of Tuba City on the Hopi Indian Reservation (mileposts 360-374). The project began in spring 2023 and was completed by summer 2023. The purpose of the project was to extend the life of the pavement. 

Project Elements

The work will include:

  • Removing the existing surface pavement and replacing it with new asphalt.

  • Restriping the roadway and other related work.

View Project Fact Sheet
SR264 Tuba City Window Rock Highway Project Fact Sheet

Project Area

SR 264: Tuba City - Window Rock Highway Project Map

The work will include:

  • Removing the existing surface pavement and replacing it with new asphalt.

  • Restriping the roadway and other related work.

What to Expect During Construction

  • SR 264 will be reduced to one lane only in the work zone with alternating east- and westbound travel controlled by flaggers and a pilot car. 

  • Restrictions will be in place weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. No weekend work anticipated. 

  • Once paving work is completed, crews will return 30 days later to stripe the highway.

  • Remember to slow down and use caution around construction workers and equipment.

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You can also stay informed of real-time, project-related traffic restrictions by visiting or call 511, except while driving.

Schedules are subject to change because of weather or other unforeseen factors. Remember to slow down and use caution around construction workers and equipment.

Stay Informed


By email: Subscribe to receive traffic alerts and project updates directly to your email.

By phone: Phone: ADOT Project Information Line: 855.712.8530

Teléfono: Línea de Información del Proyecto ADOT: 855.712.8530

Online: Submit a question or comment through the ADOT website by visiting and then select “Projects” from the dropdown menu.

By mail: Write to ADOT Community Relations, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007.

ADOT Project Number: 264 NA 360 F0466 01C; Federal-Aid Number: 264-A-NFA