State Route 77 Taylor - Rodeo Road Sidewalk Installation
State Route 77 Taylor - Rodeo Road Sidewalk Installation
This project is complete
Project Cost: $1.2 million
The Arizona Department of Transportation has completed a project along State Route 77, locally known as Main Street in the town of Snowflake, to install a new sidewalk on the west side of the highway roughly between 20th Street South and Rodeo Road (milepost 359).
Project Map
Project Elements
The purpose of this project is to construct new curb, gutter and sidewalk that will connect two sections of existing sidewalk along SR 77 to enhance pedestrian safety. Other project elements include concrete scuppers, riprap, signage and other related work.
What to Expect During Construction
Southbound SR 77 (Main Street) will be narrowed to one lane during construction. Drivers will need to slow down and merge to the open lane when approaching the work zone.
Drivers should plan for extra travel time and watch for construction workers and equipment while traveling through the area.
ADOT will post information about traffic restrictions and closures as it becomes available. To receive traffic alerts and other updates by email, please subscribe here.
You can also stay informed of real-time, project-related traffic restrictions by visiting or call 511, except while driving.
Schedules are subject to change because of weather or other unforeseen factors. Remember to slow down and use caution around construction workers and equipment.
Stay Informed

- By email: Subscribe to receive traffic alerts and project updates directly to your email.
- By phone: 602.550.8397
- Línea Bilingüe de Información del Proyecto ADOT: 855.712.8530
- Online: Submit a question or comment via email to [email protected].
- By mail: Ryan Harding, ADOT Community Relations, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007.