Interstate 40: East Seligman Bridge Decks Replacement

Interstate 40: East Seligman Bridge Decks Replacement


This project is complete


The Arizona Department of Transportation in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration has completed a project that included  reconstructing and replacing the east- and westbound bridge decks on Interstate 40 at exit 123 near Seligman in Yavapai County.

The $6.1 million project included replacing the damaged elements of the bridges, performing other upgrades to increase the lifespan of the bridges and included the following:

  • Removing and replacing the deck portions of the two bridges
  • Removing and replacing approach and departure slabs
  • Removing and replacing guardrails as needed
  • Removing and replacing embankment curb as needed

Project Fact Sheet

project fact sheet

    Project Area Map

    Interstate 40: East Seligman Bridge Decks Replacement Map




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