SR 89: Paulden - Ash Fork

SR 89: Paulden - Ash Fork


This project is complete


Project Cost: $524,444

The Arizona Department of Transportation has initiated a project to install centerline rumblestrips along State Route 89 south of Ash Fork (mileposts 339-363). In addition to installing centerline rumble strips, the work includes a fog-seal pavement treatment, permanent pavement markings and other related work.

Project Area

Map I-40 South of Ash Fork Project

Project Schedule

Work is scheduled to begin spring 2024 and be completed late summer 2024.

Schedules are subject to change because of weather and other unforeseen situations.

What To Expect

Work is scheduled to occur weekdays from 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Some night and/or weekend work may also be required.

SR 89 will be reduced to one lane only with alternating north- and southbound travel. On-site flaggers and a pilot car will move traffic through the work zone. Expect delays.

Drivers should be prepared to stop when approaching and passing through the work zone. Use caution around construction personnel and equipment while the restrictions are in place.

ADOT will provide advance notice of restrictions and closures to email subscribers and on the project traffic alert web page.

Stay Informed


By email: Subscribe to receive traffic alerts and project updates directly to your email.

By phone: Nicole Underwood, ADOT Community Relations Project Manager: 480.601.1575

Teléfono: Línea de Información del Proyecto ADOT: 855.712.8530

Online: Submit a question or comment through the ADOT website by visiting and then select “Projects” from the dropdown menu.

By mail: Write to ADOT Community Relations, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007, Attention: Nicole Underwood