Public Outreach - I-10 Reconstruction between Ruthrauff and Ina roads

Public Outreach - I-10 Reconstruction between Ruthrauff and Ina roads

Interstate 10 Widening

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), held a virtual public information meeting on Oct. 21, 2021 to allow the public to learn about the design process and the project to improve the section of Interstate 10 between Ina and Ruthrauff roads in Pima County. The information provided included the design of the highway improvements and the construction and traffic impacts. Members of the public viewed a presentation provided in both English and Spanish and then had the opportunity to provide comments and ask questions. Materials and information presented during the meeting can be reviewed on this site.


Sunset Road Extension

The Pima County Department of Transportation held a virtual open house during the design phase of the project in March 2020. From March 28 to April 26, 2022, the department, in conjunction with ADOT and the Regional Transportation Authority, held a public comment and review period as part of the Environmental Assessment. All documents related to the Sunset Road Extension Project are available the following site: