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Current and upcoming US 60 closures and restrictions (click here)

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Daytime closures scheduled on US 60 between Superior and Miami Feb. 19 and 20

Detour in place during closures from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Arizona Department of Transportation advises drivers to plan for the following restrictions for blasting operations as part of a bridge replacement project: 

  • US 60 between Superior and Miami (mileposts 227-243) will be closed from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, and Thursday, Feb. 20.
    • Flagging operations will be in effect before and after the full closures.
    • US 60 between Miami and Magma Mine Road (mileposts 231-243) will remain open for local traffic only.

Detour: Eastbound US 60 drivers use southbound State Route 177 through Winkelman to northbound SR 77. Westbound US 60 drivers use southbound SR 77 through Winkelman to northbound SR 177. Due to the roughly 75-mile length of this detour, drivers may want to consider planning travel before 9 a.m. and after 2 p.m. The detour is estimated to add an additional hour for trips between Superior and Miami.

Upcoming full closures and flagging operations

  • US 60 between Superior and Miami will be reduced to one lane with alternating east- and westbound travel from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24. Flaggers and a pilot car will assist drivers through the work zone.
  • US 60 between Superior and Miami will be closed from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25, Wednesday, Feb. 26, and Thursday, Feb. 27. Flagging operations will be in effect before and after the full closures.

Schedules are subject to change based on weather and other unforeseen factors. Lane restrictions, speed reductions and a 12-foot vehicle width restriction will be in place for the duration of the project. Oversize loads may be accommodated with advance notice.

Allow extra travel time, use caution, be prepared to slow down and merge safely when approaching and traveling through all work zones.

US 60


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US 60: Queen Creek and Waterfall Canyon Bridges Project

US 60: Queen Creek and Waterfall Canyon Bridges Project



The Arizona Department of Transportation is replacing the Queen Creek and Waterfall Canyon bridges located on US 60 between mileposts 227 and 229.5, just east of Superior in Pinal County.

A new Queen Creek Bridge will be constructed just to the east of the existing bridge, and the existing steel bridge will be removed following construction of the new bridge. The Waterfall Canyon Bridge, located east of the Queen Creek Tunnel, will be reconstructed into two box culverts to improve drainage, and will remain in its existing location.

Guardrail replacement and other general maintenance work will also be completed within and near the Queen Creek Tunnel.


US 60 Queen Creek Bridge
Queen Creek Bridge

US 60 Queen Waterfall Canyon
Waterfall Canyon Bridge

Project Map

Project Map - Queen Creek and Waterfall Canyon bridge projects



Why does ADOT need to build the new bridges?

The Queen Creek Bridge, built in 1949, and the Waterfall Canyon Bridge, built in 1929, were built to standards in those times; however those standards no longer meet the current minimum bridge guidelines of ADOT or the Federal Highway Administration and the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials. ADOT has completed multiple maintenance projects on the bridges to extend their lives; however due to weather and continued traffic-induced vibrations, the structures have reached the end of their useful lives.

What is the project timeline?

Construction of access roads to the project site in the canyon located below the Queen Creek Bridge began in early 2024. Work on the bridge is scheduled to begin after construction of the access roads is complete. The project is expected to last approximately two and a half years.

What type of traffic impacts should drivers expect during construction?

Drivers should expect occasional restrictions and closures of US 60 in the work zone during certain work, such as rock blasting. Closures will be limited to Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m in the early phases of the project. ADOT will notify the public in advance when specific restrictions or closures are planned and the project team will set up message boards on the US 60 in advance. Subscribe to receive traffic alerts and project updates by email.

What is the detour when US 60 is closed?

During full closures of US 60, ADOT will detour traffic onto State Route 77 and State Route 177. However, due to the length of this detour (approximately 75 miles) drivers might want to consider planning travel before 9 a.m. and after 2 p.m.

What are the recreational access restrictions?

The two bridges are located in an area frequented by hikers, rock climbers and other recreational users. For the safety of recreational users and the work crews, areas within and near the work zones are restricted during construction.

Waterfall Canyon Bridge area - The US 60 pull-out east of the Queen Creek tunnel nearest the Waterfall Canyon Bridge is closed during Waterfall Canyon Bridge reconstruction. Other nearby pull-outs may close intermittently based on the contractor’s staging needs. In addition, the area near the bridge will be inaccessible due to construction work.

Queen Creek Bridge area - The Lost Trail is closed through the project site during construction from the Magma Avenue Trailhead in Superior to the west of the historical Claypool Tunnel.

For More Information


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