The Arizona Department of Transportation has initiated a rehabilitation project at the Interstate 10 and Willcox Traffic Interchange Bridge at milepost 344.5 in Cochise County. This project will extend the overall service of life for the bridge.
The Arizona Department of Transportation is completing a pavement rehabilitation project on State Route 10B in Willcox between Arizona Avenue and Rex Allen Drive (mileposts 339 to 340) and SR 186 between mileposts 326 and 327.
The 5-mile unpaved section of State Route 88 (Apache Trail) from Fish Creek Vista (milepost 222) to milepost 227 near Reavis Trailhead Road has reopened.
The Arizona Department of Transportation has completed a project to repair the US 191 overpass at Interstate 10 near milepost 331 in Cochise County that was damaged due to an accident during the summer of 2023.
The Arizona Department of Transportation has initiated a pavement rehabilitation project in Safford from milepost 117 (near Old Country Club Road) to milepost 121; however this project will not include work at the US 191 and US 70 intersection.
The Arizona Department of Transportation is constructing a roundabout at the intersection of US 191, SR 75, and SR 78 located near Safford. This project will relieve traffic backups, improve sight distance, and reduce accidents.
The Arizona Department of Transportation is completing a pavement rehabilitation project located in Greenlee County on US 191 between milepost 160 and 173 near the Town of Clifton.
The Arizona Department of Transportation is working on a project to construct two bridges on US 60 just east of Superior, the Queen Creek Bridge and the Waterfall Canyon Bridge.