Smart Work Zones (SWZ)

Smart Work Zones (SWZ)

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is developing and implementing Smart Work Zones (SWZ) for use on statewide construction projects.

As part of ADOT’s Implementation Guidelines for Work Zone Safety & Mobility process review, ADOT is continually looking at ways to expand and enhance existing practices within work zones (WZs). ADOT is working to develop and implement Smart Work Zone (SWZ) operational concepts using an intelligent combination of technologies that are effective and efficient at improving the safety of highway workers and traveling public, and optimize WZ traffic operations while minimizing congestions delays throughout the state.

The overall objective of this study is to improve safety, enhance, and optimize operations within work zones throughout the state. This study will help identify various methods that will aid professionals throughout the state select the appropriate measures to implement on projects, especially larger, more complex projects to maximize safety for our employees, contractors and the traveling public at large. These methodologies will also help reduce delays and driver frustration as they approach and travel through work zones.

SWZ Work Plan

Working Paper 1 – Nationwide Review of SWZ Technologies

Working Paper 2 - Challenges to Implementation

SWZ Phase One - Final Report

ADOT Smart Work Zone (ITS) Criteria Worksheet.xls

ADOT Smart Work Zone (ITS) Criteria Worksheet.pdf

SWZ Qty Tool

Work Zone Queue and Delay Analysis Review Module

Work Zone Queue and Delay Analysis Review Module Presentation

Work Zone Queue and Delay Analysis Training Video