Cordes Junction

Modernized Cordes Junction traffic interchange aids local, regional travel

Modernized Cordes Junction traffic interchange aids local, regional travel

Modernized Cordes Junction traffic interchange aids local, regional travel

Modernized Cordes Junction traffic interchange aids local, regional travel

August 13, 2013

Before and After: Above, a 1960s aerial shot of the interchange. Below, a more recent photo of the improved Cordes Junction traffic interchange.

By Dustin Krugel
ADOT Office of Public Information

A regular destination for drivers headed to the Flagstaff or Prescott areas, the junction of Interstate 17 and State Route 69 has been described as the “gateway to northern Arizona,” but in recent years the outdated Cordes Junction traffic interchange had started to show its age.

Built in the early 1960s, the Cordes Junction traffic interchange carried far more traffic than it was designed to accommodate. With traffic volumes expected to double in the coming decades, the Arizona Department of Transportation began a task in the summer of 2011 to redesign and rebuild the busy interchange, which is located approximately 65 miles north of downtown Phoenix, with minimal disruption to traffic.

The solution was a $50.9 million project that would transform the outdated intersection design that forced slower local traffic to mix with high-speed highway traffic, causing congestion and safety concerns. Two years after construction started, ADOT has completed the project on budget and on time. The final piece of the project will include permanent lane striping, which will be completed in the weeks ahead.

“There was a huge need for this project and it was eagerly anticipated by members of the community,” said ADOT Prescott District Engineer Alvin Stump. “Thousands of visitors, truck drivers and business travelers use I-17 and SR 69 en route to other destinations in Arizona and neighboring states.

“Plus, the Cordes Junction interchange provides access for numerous tourist attractions and recreational areas locally, not to mention that many travelers use services at the Cordes Junction interchange because of its central location between Flagstaff and Phoenix,” Stump said.

The new diamond-shaped interchange was designed to improve traffic flow and safety, while separating local and highway traffic.

“The new Cordes Junction traffic interchange has greatly enhanced the ability of our school bus drivers to safely move children through the Cordes Lakes area. Safety is our No. 1 priority,” said Mayer Unified School District Superintendent Dean Slaga. “In addition to improving safety and allowing for easier access to Cordes Lakes, the project should be a boon for the local community and will allow for future business growth for decades to come.”

The largest project (in terms of cost) in northern Arizona the last two years, the Cordes Junction traffic interchange was completed in four phases and included:

  • Construction of a new traffic interchange approximately one-half mile north of the existing interchange
  • Removal of the outdated on- and off-ramps
  • Construction of new ramps to separate Prescott-bound traffic from local traffic traveling at slower speeds
  • Replacement of the existing bridges carrying I-17 over Big Bug Creek
  • Construction of seven new bridges and three local roads (Copper Star Road, Arcosanti Road, Stagecoach Trail), installation of two roundabouts and improvements to local stormwater drainage.

Paolo Soleri's artistic vision is on display on the project.

With the communities of Cordes Lakes, Spring Valley and Mayer located only a few miles from the intersection, ADOT wanted to incorporate key elements of the area adjacent to the project. To do that, ADOT sought out famed Italian-American architect Paolo Soleri, who established Arcosanti, an artists' community and a popular tourist attraction that is located approximately two miles northeast of the traffic interchange.

Soleri’s artistic vision is on display on some of the retaining walls and abutments on the bridges at the interchange. Soleri, who worked as a project consultant for ADOT, died April 9 at age 93. Most of his artwork was completed prior to his death and his designs will be on display for drivers who pass through the area.

“Cordes Junction is often described as the gateway to northern Arizona,” said Arcosanti General Manager Mary Hoadley. “Working on the designs for the artwork displayed at the interchange was a rewarding experience for Paolo Soleri. In the three years of design development and construction it was eye opening for him to see all the problem solving and teamwork that took place to get his abstract artwork to come to life.”

Project Milestones
August 2011 – Construction begins.
November 2011 – Work begins on new Arcosanti Bridge abutments; Copper Star Road opens to traffic.
March 2012 – Girders placed on the new Cordes Lakes Road Bridge.
June 2012 – New northbound Big Bug Bridge on I-17 opens to traffic; work begins on new west roundabout.
July 2012 – Work on southbound Big Bug Bridge on I-17 begins.
September 2012 – Newly paved Stagecoach Drive opens to traffic (the local road was previously unpaved).
October 2012 – I-17 on- and off-ramps open at Arcosanti traffic interchange; new west roundabout opens to traffic; old northbound loop on-ramp and old southbound loop off-ramp close; new Cordes Lakes Bridge opens to traffic and old northbound SR 69 ramp closes; girders placed on southbound Big Bug Bridge on I-17; SR 69 bridges are painted.
November 2012 – Arcosanti Bridge opens to traffic. Work begins on new east roundabout; demolition of old Cordes Lakes Bridge.
December 2012New northbound I-17 to northbound SR 69 flyover bridge opens.
January 2013 – Southbound Big Bug Bridge on I-17 opens to traffic; northbound and southbound I-17 open to normal lane configuration; completion of east roundabout.
June 28, 2013 – Project completion.
August 2013 – Final lane striping.

Modernized Cordes Junction traffic interchange aids local, regional travel

Modernized Cordes Junction traffic interchange aids local, regional travel

I-17 101 traffic interchange

Modernized Cordes Junction traffic interchange aids local, regional travel

Modernized Cordes Junction traffic interchange aids local, regional travel

July 24, 2013

PHOENIX — A regular destination for drivers headed to the Flagstaff or Prescott areas, the junction of Interstate 17 and State Route 69 has been described as the “gateway to northern Arizona,” but in recent years the outdated Cordes Junction traffic interchange had started to show its age.

Built in the early 1960s, the Cordes Junction traffic interchange carried far more traffic than it was designed to accommodate. With traffic volumes expected to double in the coming decades, the Arizona Department of Transportation began a task in the summer of 2011 to redesign and rebuild the busy interchange, which is located approximately 65 miles north of downtown Phoenix, with minimal disruption to traffic.

The solution was a $50.9 million project that would transform the outdated intersection design that forced slower local traffic to mix with high-speed highway traffic, causing congestion and safety concerns. Two years after construction started, ADOT has completed the project on budget and on time. The final piece of the project will include permanent lane striping, which will be completed in the weeks ahead.

“There was a huge need for this project and it was eagerly anticipated by members of the community,” said ADOT Prescott District Engineer Alvin Stump. “Thousands of visitors, truck drivers and business travelers use I-17 and SR 69 en route to other destinations in Arizona and neighboring states.

“Plus, the Cordes Junction interchange provides access for numerous tourist attractions and recreational areas locally, not to mention that many travelers use services at the Cordes Junction interchange because of its central location between Flagstaff and Phoenix,” Stump said.

The new diamond-shaped interchange was designed to improve traffic flow and safety, while separating local and highway traffic.

“The new Cordes Junction traffic interchange has greatly enhanced the ability of our school bus drivers to safely move children through the Cordes Lakes area. Safety is our No. 1 priority,” said Mayer Unified School District Superintendent Dean Slaga. “In addition to improving safety and allowing for easier access to Cordes Lakes, the project should be a boon for the local community and will allow for future business growth for decades to come.”

The largest project (in terms of cost) in northern Arizona the last two years, the Cordes Junction traffic interchange was completed in four phases and included:

  • Construction of a new traffic interchange approximately one-half mile north of the existing interchange
  • Removal of the outdated on- and off-ramps
  • Construction of new ramps to separate Prescott-bound traffic from local traffic traveling at slower speeds
  • Replacement of the existing bridges carrying I-17 over Big Bug Creek
  • Construction of seven new bridges and three local roads (Copper Star Road, Arcosanti Road, Stagecoach Trail), installation of two roundabouts and improvements to local stormwater drainage.

With the communities of Cordes Lakes, Spring Valley and Mayer located only a few miles from the intersection, ADOT wanted to incorporate key elements of the area adjacent to the project. To do that, ADOT sought out famed Italian-American architect Paolo Soleri, who established Arcosanti, an artists' community and a popular tourist attraction that is located approximately two miles northeast of the traffic interchange.

Soleri’s artistic vision is on display on some of the retaining walls and abutments on the bridges at the interchange. Soleri, who worked as a project consultant for ADOT, died April 9 at age 93. Most of his artwork was completed prior to his death and his designs will be on display for drivers who pass through the area.

“Cordes Junction is often described as the gateway to northern Arizona,” said Arcosanti General Manager Mary Hoadley. “Working on the designs for the artwork displayed at the interchange was a rewarding experience for Paolo Soleri. In the three years of design development and construction it was eye opening for him to see all the problem solving and teamwork that took place to get his abstract artwork to come to life.”

Project Milestones

August 2011 – Construction begins.

November 2011 – Work begins on new Arcosanti Bridge abutments; Copper Star Road opens to traffic.

March 2012 – Girders placed on the new Cordes Lakes Road Bridge.

June 2012 – New northbound Big Bug Bridge on I-17 opens to traffic; work begins on new west roundabout.

July 2012 – Work on southbound Big Bug Bridge on I-17 begins.

September 2012 – Newly paved Stagecoach Drive opens to traffic (the local road was previously unpaved).

October 2012 – I-17 on- and off-ramps open at Arcosanti traffic interchange; new west roundabout opens to traffic; old northbound loop on-ramp and old southbound loop off-ramp close; new Cordes Lakes Bridge opens to traffic and old northbound SR 69 ramp closes; girders placed on southbound Big Bug Bridge on I-17; SR 69 bridges are painted.

November 2012 – Arcosanti Bridge opens to traffic. Work begins on new east roundabout; demolition of old Cordes Lakes Bridge.

December 2012 – New northbound I-17 to northbound SR 69 flyover bridge opens.

January 2013 – Southbound Big Bug Bridge on I-17 opens to traffic; northbound and southbound I-17 open to normal lane configuration; completion of east roundabout.

June 28, 2013 – Project completion.

August 2013 – Final lane striping.

Remembering architect Paolo Soleri

Remembering architect Paolo Soleri

Remembering architect Paolo Soleri

Remembering architect Paolo Soleri

April 10, 2013

Paolo Soleri at the unveiling of his design in Oct. 2011.

We were saddened to hear news yesterday that well-known architect Paolo Soleri had passed away at the age of 93.

While many may recognize Soleri as a driving force behind the Arcosanti community – an “urban laboratory” he established in 1970 near Cordes Junction – we here at ADOT had come to know the famed Italian-American architect as a project consultant.

Soleri recently created aesthetic designs for the Cordes Junction traffic interchange reconstruction project at the SR 69 junction.

Although the project isn’t finished (construction is scheduled to wrap up later this summer), drivers already can see Soleri’s colorful artistic vision on the bridges at the interchange.


Soleri's vision captured in plans and a mock-up.

ADOT’s goal is always to build a project that blends into its surrounding area.


Soleri's colorful artistic vision can be seen at the Cordes Junction interchange.

In this case, the Arcosanti community is such an integral feature near the interchange that it was only natural to try and incorporate Soleri’s unique designs into the highway.

We thought it would be fitting today to share some photos from the project, including pictures taken on the morning of Oct. 31, 2011. That was when Soleri unveiled a mock-up of his design at the construction site. You’ll also notice more recent photos that show his finished work.

Although he is no longer with us, it is good to know that Paolo Soleri’s work and art will continue to be enjoyed and admired.

Construction under way on new Cordes Junction interchange

Construction under way on new Cordes Junction interchange

Construction under way on new Cordes Junction interchange

Construction under way on new Cordes Junction interchange

January 5, 2012

A new Cordes Junction traffic interchange is
being constructed on I-17.

It’s the one that sits right between Flagstaff and Phoenix and serves about 13,000 vehicles a day (that’s in addition to the more than 27,000 vehicles that travel daily on I-17 at the junction of SR 69). It also provides access to Prescott, Arcosanti and surrounding communities, along with gas stations, restaurants and other services for travelers.

Believe it or not, the busy interchange was built nearly 50 years ago – back when traffic volumes were nowhere near what they are today.

It’s time for an update!

A project is now under way that’s going to result in a new, modern interchange designed to handle the area’s growing needs. Work started in August and by the time construction is finished (in about two years) some of the new features will include …

  • New bridges on SR 69
  • The removal of the outdated on- and off-ramps
  • A new I-17 interchange constructed north of the existing interchange
  • Two new bridges and ramps built over I-17 to connect with SR 69
  • The construction of a new Arcosanti Road along with the realignment of Copper Star Road and Stagecoach Trail.

The current intersection design forces local and through traffic to mix, which causes congestion and safety concerns. The brand new interchange will be able to separate local and highway traffic, leading to improved traffic flow and safety.


Project area map.

Recent traffic shift
Crews are now working to build the bridge structures over I-17 and just last week a traffic “shift” was put into place that will allow work to continue over the highway.

Overnight on Dec. 29 crews temporarily moved southbound I-17 traffic onto the northbound side of I-17.

The detour will be in place until the bridges are complete. But don’t worry … I-17 still has two lanes in each direction within the work zone and the lanes are separated by temporary barrier walls. Drivers also should be aware the southbound I-17 speed limit is reduced to 55 mph. Temporary construction detours also are in place along SR 69 near I-17 (see map).

Work is being completed in four phases (right now, we’re in phase two). Each phase has been designed to minimize the impact to the local community and travelers while maximizing cost-effective procedures.

For more details on the interchange and information on what future construction phases entail, stay tuned … we’ll keep you updated as the project progresses!