ADOT installing rumble strips on US 93 north of Wickenburg to improve safety
ADOT installing rumble strips on US 93 north of Wickenburg to improve safety
ADOT installing rumble strips on US 93 north of Wickenburg to improve safety
ADOT installing rumble strips on US 93 north of Wickenburg to improve safety
Rumble Strips
WICKENBURG, AZ – The Arizona Department of Transportation will begin a project to improve safety along US 93 north of Wickenburg by installing centerline rumble strips along a 20-mile section of the highway.
The project area stretches from the Santa Maria River to the junction with State Route 71, which is mileposts 161 to 183. The work will take place overnights from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. beginning Monday, July 18, and lasting through early August. No weekend work is scheduled.
US 93 will be narrowed to one lane only in 2-mile segments while crews work. A flagging operation and pilot car will guide motorists through the work zone. Drivers should expect delays of up to 20 minutes.
The $545,000 project is designed to improve safety along this two-lane stretch of US 93 by helping to reduce the frequency and severity of lane and road-departure crashes.
The project also includes the replacement of raised pavement markers, new striping and crack seal repair of the road.
ADOT has dedicated nearly half a billion dollars to widening and improving US 93 in this region over the last decade. ADOT's long-term vision is to transform this highly traveled route into a four-lane divided highway. Of the 200-mile drive from Wickenburg to the Hoover Dam, approximately 35 miles remain to be widened.
A project to widen US 93 in Wickenburg from Tegner Street to Wickenburg Ranch Way is currently being advertised and anticipated to start early next year. ADOT has also applied for a grant through the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to help accelerate the widening of three additional segments of US 93.
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