Driver Services

What if I am taking medicine with an alcohol base or recently used mouthwash?

During a training session provided by the installers, drivers are cautioned about common substances that contain alcohol, including mouthwashes and medications. If the blood alcohol concentration of the driver, as measured in the breath, is over the preset limit, the driver will not be allowed to start the vehicle.

FAQ Category

Why can’t I remove the interlock one year from when I had it installed?

State law requires the interlock remain installed for at least one year beginning on the date of reinstatement eligibility of your driving privilege or on the date we receive notice of your conviction, whichever occurs later (see ARS 28-3319). You may also contact MVD to determine the date you qualify to have the device removed.

FAQ Category

If my vehicle has been sold, wrecked, stolen or needs repairs, what steps should be taken?

If your vehicle has been sold, you must have the device removed by your authorized installer. You will have 72 hours to have the device re-installed into another vehicle. If the device is not re-installed, your driving privilege will be suspended until re-installation is verified.

If your vehicle is stolen, contact your installer to determine a course of action. You will still be responsible for complying with the interlock requirement.

If your vehicle is wrecked, contact your installer so that the device can be retrieved and re-installed in different vehicle. You will still be responsible for complying with the interlock requirement.

If your vehicle needs repairs, since the disconnection of a car battery could be interpreted by the device as tampering or circumvention, we strongly suggest that you notify your installer before performing vehicle maintenance, service or repairs that could involve disconnecting the battery. Your auto repair technician can contact your installer for specific instructions on how to avoid recording erroneous violations that may trigger an extension of your interlock requirement.

You should always contact your interlock manufacturer or service center for questions, concerns or clarification regarding removal of the device.

FAQ Category

I received notice that another year will be added to my interlock requirement for tampering, circumvention, or refusing a rolling retest. Who do I contact to dispute this action?

We take action based on information provided by your installer after your last compliance check. Contact your installer to verify the accuracy of the information provided. If your installer is unable to resolve the issue, request a hearing from the Executive Hearing Office.

FAQ Category

What kind of violations will cause you to extend my interlock requirement?

The most common violation is a failure to complete a rolling retest. Other violations include driving a vehicle without an interlock installed, starting the vehicle without providing a test, attempting to operate the vehicle with alcohol on the operator's breath, or disconnecting the device. Refer to the interlock installer's instructions for specific details.

FAQ Category

I'm required to have an interlock installed because of a violation in Arizona, but I live in another state. Do I have to go to Arizona to have an interlock installed?

No, contact the interlock manufacturers to locate an authorized interlock installer in your state that will provide all interlock services required by the state of Arizona. It is your responsibility to work with your interlock manufacturer and authorized installer to provide us with all required electronic reporting until completion of your interlock requirement.

FAQ Category

How will I fulfill my interlock requirement if I move out of state?

Arizona requirements still need to be maintained. Contact the manufacturer of your interlock to locate an authorized interlock installer in your new state that will continue to provide the required services. It is your responsibility to work with your interlock manufacturer and authorized installer to provide us with all required electronic reporting until completion of your interlock requirement.

FAQ Category