ADOT Big Kids: Mappin’ it this summer

ADOT Big Kids: Mappin’ it this summer

By Mary Currie / ADOT Communications
July 3, 2023
A screenshot of a map of Arizona on the website, showing event and incident icons.

Hey kids — and big kids, too! Headed to northern Arizona this summer to enjoy the high country’s cool weather or stake your claim to a favorite fishing hole? We’ve got the map that may help plan your trip and help save travel time by revealing a more direct route to your intended location. 

The Arizona 511 Traveler Information System – download the AZ511 app for free for Apple and Android devices or visit – helps people do just that and much more. Before you go, we’ve created a matching activity to help everyone piling into the car get familiar with some of the map features. 

Begin the map challenge by matching the identifying words in the left column to the icons in the right column. No peeking for pete’s sake—phones and tablets down until you’ve completed the match! 

Then visit the app homepage and test your skills by identifying the icons and their functions. Click into the map legend and check the boxes for the first icon in the legend. Notice how information related to the icon pops up on the map. Click on the icon to learn what’s going on at that highway point on the map and so forth, to learn about each icon’s function.

Thanks for playing and safe travels!

Wherever your road trip takes you this summer, be a mappin’ pro with az511.govVisit ADOT Kids for more fun and activities.

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