I-17 101 traffic interchange

Statement on film production occurring on Loop 303 in north Valley

Statement on film production occurring on Loop 303 in north Valley

June 10, 2016

Arizona is proud to welcome this production to our state. The state, our citizens and our economy benefit significantly from appearing on the big screen, both in terms of dollars spent during filming and the exposure that films give the state. The film now in production along Loop 303 in the north Valley has already had 300 people at locations in Arizona for two weeks, boosting the economy through meals, lodging, fuel purchases and more. It has hired local companies for a variety of services.

The Arizona Department of Transportation regularly issues permits to film within highway right of way. There is no cost for film permits. ADOT’s requirements for film permits safeguard taxpayer dollars and the taxpayers’ investment in our highways. This includes making sure there is no cost to the state.

To receive a film permit from ADOT, a production must assume all legal liability and financial responsibility, and it must have at least $5 million in liability coverage. The production must agree to leave a highway in as good a condition as it was prior to filming and must cover any costs to repair or restore the roadway. It must cover the cost of traffic control, including paying for a law enforcement presence.