
Check it Out: I-10 bridge demolition

Check it Out: I-10 bridge demolition

May 7, 2014

Late last month, work to demolish the I-10 bridges over Perryville Road got underway in the west Valley and, as you can see above, things went pretty quickly.

Well, it wasn’t exactly as fast as the video depicts. Instead of 30 seconds, it actually took crews about two days to remove roughly 15,670 tons of material.

To allow for the construction of the new bridges over Perryville Road, I-10 traffic was switched last month to newly constructed detour routes along the paths of the future off- and on-ramps for the interchange.

The $18.8 million I-10/Perryville Road interchange project, which is located west of the future I-10/Loop 303 interchange in Goodyear, is scheduled for completion this fall.

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