

Disclaimer: The Quantlist checklists listed in this page were developed by ADOT for ADOT administered projects using ADOT specifications and standards. They may be freely adapted for use by others wcurinith the following stipulations:

  • Quantlists are not intended to be an all-inclusive listing of contract requirements.
  • Quantlist frequency mentioned in the tables below shall be followed.
  • PDFs provided are informational only and should not be used for official project documentation.
  • Official project documentation shall be done using Quantlists in the PEN5 application.
  • The use of Quantlists is governed by ADOT's Standard and Specifications, Construction Manual and Construction Bulletins issued by the Assistant State Construction Engineer.

PEN5 is administered by ADOT's Construction and Materials Group. Access to the Quantlist system requires ADOT Intranet access (RACF ID), installation of PEN5 application by ADOT service desk, and submission of an email request to Construction Quantlist Administration with a list of Units to access.

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Division I - General Provisions

Quantlist Name Frequency Required
Bulletin Board Job Site Once every six months
Environmental Mitigation Tracking Once every six months
Specific Contractor Quality Control One per month per specified material type

Division II - Grading

Quantlist Name Frequency Required
Earthwork One per Week
Furnished Water One per Water Source
Geotextile Fabric One per Material Type

Division III - Subgrade, Subbases and Bases

Quantlist Name Frequency Required
Aggregate Bases and Subbases One per week
Cement Treated Base One per week
Cement Treated Subgrade One per week
Geocomposite Wall Drain One per Wall Reference #
Lean Concrete Base One per week
Lime Treated Bases One per week

Division V - Drainage Facilities

Quantlist Name Frequency Required
Cast-in-Place Pipe One per week
Corrugated Metal Pipe One per week
Plastic Pipe (CHDPEPP) One per week
Reinforced Concrete Pipe One per week

Division VI - Structures

Quantlist Name Frequency Required
Approach / Anchor Slab with Joint One per joint
Bridge Deck (Superstructure) One per pour
Bridge Deck Joint One per span
Cast-in-Place Box Girder Bridge One per span
Concrete Box Culverts One per structure
Drilled Shaft Placement (Dry Excavation) One per week
Drilled Shaft Placement (Wet Excavation) One per week
Falsework When the falsework is being set, and again when taken down
Milepost Markers One per project
Overhead Sign Panels One per type
Overhead Sign Structures One per unit
Post Tensioning The first girder, plus once per anchorage to anchorage of structure.
Post Tensioning - Grouting The first girder, plus once per anchorage to anchorage of structure.
Precast Concrete l-Beams and Box Beams One per span
Reinforcing Steel Placement Once prior to pour
Roadside Sign Supports: Breakaway Posts One per pour / days production
Roadside Sign Supports: Perforated Square Tube One per week
Substructure One per span
Soil Nail One per location
Tapered Tube Structures One per unit
Warning Marker and Regulatory Sign Panels One per type

Division VII - Traffic Control Facilities

Quantlist Name Frequency Required
Arrow Panels and Changeable Message Boards One per Week
Cabinets FMS One per Week
Dual Component Pavement Markings One on the first application and Color; then once per Week, per Color.
Electrical Conductors One per Week
Electrical Conduit One per Week
Electrical Grounding One per Week
Initial Pavement Markings (708) One per Week
No. 5 and 7 Pull Box with Extension One per Week
No. 9 Pull Box One per Week
Saw Cut-Vehicle Loop Detectors One for each Location
Stripe Obliteration One per Week
Striping Administrative One per Project
Temporary Barriers, Attenuators or Sand Barrels One per Week
Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Once per Week, per Color.
Traffic Control Flagging Stations One per Week
Traffic Signal and Hwy Light (Foundations) One per Week
Traffic Signal and Hwy Lighting (Poles) One per Week
Truck-Mounted Attenuators One per Week and Type
Work Zone Traffic Control One per Set Up / one per Week

Division VIII - Roadside Development

Quantlist Name Frequency Required
Class II Seeding - Administrative One per project or Contractor requests change in seeding materials
Class II Seeding - Construction One per mobilization
Class II Seeding - Shoulder Build-up One per mobilization
Irrigation System Construction One per each controller
Landscape Construction One per month
Landscape Establishment Once every three months, or as approved by the PLA
Pump House Electrical Construction One per pump house
Pump House Electrical Equipment One per pump house
Storm Water - Administrative One at the time of SWPPP certification and once every SIX months thereafter.
Storm Water: BMP Inspection Quantlist Minimum Frequency is being followed, once every week or two weeks or rain event or noted in the Special Provisions/Plan.
Storm Water: Good Housekeeping Quantlist Minimum Frequency is being followed, once every week or two weeks or rain event or noted in the Special Provisions/Plan.
Temporary Irrigation System Once each three months, or as approved by the PLA

Division IX - Incidentals

Quantlist Name Frequency Required
Brifen Wire Rope Safety Fence One per Run
Cattle Guards One per Location
Chain Link Fence and Gates One per Week
Concrete Barrier One per Run
Concrete Curb, Gutters and Sidewalks One per Week
End Anchor System (MASH) One per Installation
Guardrail Transition to Concrete Barrier One per Installation
Masonry Walls One per Reference Number or once a Week
Max Tension Tangent Terminal MASH TL-3 One per Installation
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls One per Week
Median Cable Barrier and Anchor System One per Run
MFLEAT Terminal TL-3 One per Installation
MSKT Tangent Terminal MASH TL-3 One per Installation
QuadGuard Crash Cushion System One per Installation
SGET MASH TL-3 Single Guardrail Terminal One per Installation
SKT-350 End Treatment (AC) One per Installation
SKT-350 End Treatment (Concrete) One per Installation
Soft Stop Tangent Terminal MASH TL-3 One per Installation
SRT-350 End Treatment HBA Posts (AC) SS-355 One per Installation
Thrie Beam Guardrail (Non-MASH) One per Installation
W-Beam Guardrail (MASH) One per Installation
W-Beam Guardrail (Non-MASH) One per Installation
Wire Fence and Gates One per Week

Division X - Materials

Quantlist Name Frequency Required
Concrete Class S or B Once per Week
Concrete Curing Once per Week