Roadside Development

Roadside Development


The Roadside Development Section provides landscape, architectural and environmental technical design direction and expertise for ADOT projects statewide. Technical direction and expertise includes development of plans and specifications and review of consultant plans involving aesthetic enhancements and design, environmental mitigation and landscape ecological restoration, stormwater quality and erosion control, seeding and revegetation, native plant salvage and replanting, landscape and irrigation design, and statewide rest area program and design.


Landscape Architectural Service and Design


Stormwater and Erosion/Sediment Control Maps and Manuals


Erosion/Sediment and Water Quality Protection Best Management Practices (BMP) Details

Roadside Development Sample Special Provisions

Stored Specifications for Erosion/Sediment Control and Water Quality Protection

Revegetation and Native Seed Mix Design, Environmental Mitigation and Landscape Ecological Design, Native Plant Salvage and Replanting


Helpful Links and Documents