Resilience TSMO

Resilience TSMO

Incorporating natural hazard, weather related considerations, and resilience into how agencies plan and execute their transportation system management and operations (TSMO) and maintenance programs helps the agency become more resilient to unanticipated shocks to the system. Adjustments to TSMO and maintenance programs - ranging from minor to major changes - can help to minimize the current and future risks to TSMO and maintenance.  

ADOT assisted FHWA with the development of guidance to address the issue of extreme weather response and future measurable climate trend adaptation. This guide provides information and resources to help transportation management, operations, and maintenance staff incorporate these realities into their planning and ongoing activities. It is intended for practitioners involved in the day-to-day management, operations, and maintenance of surface transportation systems at State and local agencies.

The Climate Change Adaptation Guide assists as a starting point for programmatic resilience integration into operations and maintenance.  State department of transportation (DOT) TSMO and Maintenance Programs are vulnerable to natural hazard, extreme weather, and future climate impacts. These elements increase uncertainty around planning for current and future events.

Impacts could result in:

  • Loss of roadway capacity
  • Loss of alternative routes
  • Loss of situational awareness (due to power/communications outages)
  • Inability to evacuate
  • Loss of service life (due to faster deterioration)
  • Increased safety risk
  • Loss of economic productivity
  • Reduced mobility for the traveling public


FHWA Office of Operations Resources


ADOT Current 2020 Project

Pumping stations are critical hardware that must operate during the most extreme events to ensure roadway reliability. Yet, more can be gleaned from the factors that contribute to pumping unit and station failure. This information is critical to cost-effective and strategic investments in maintenance and rehabilitation to ensure reliability into the future. Pumping station operators have tacit knowledge of the causes and effects of pump failures from their experience maintaining the hardware, but there is limited knowledge of how age, design, hardware condition, and environmental conditions contribute to affecting performance.

The project will develop a dynamic reliability analysis decision-support tool to provide real-time information to operators considering hardware and environmental conditions to prioritize maintenance and rehabilitation. The tool will be based on state-of-the-art statistical reliability methods. The tool will be positioned to reduce costs associated with maintenance and rehabilitation of pumps while increasing reliability by identifying which hardware should be serviced ahead of failure. Since pumping stations are vulnerable to failure under heavy storm events, the tool will evaluate outcomes under different precipitation magnitude scenarios.