Standards Committee
Standards Committee
The Standards Committee is the Arizona Department of Transportation’s (ADOT) approval body for all ADOT standards (specifications, drawings and all ADOT documents specifically referenced within the specifications and drawings). The Committee also considers relevant matters presented to it by interested groups or individuals and formulates appropriate action within its scope of responsibility. Additionally, this Committee will set priorities as it pertains to which new standards or which updates to standards will be worked on. This Committee will set timeframes for the responsible subcommittee to complete the new or revised standard.
To create a new or revise an existing ADOT standard, please download and complete the Standards Committee Request Form and submit it to the Standards Committee Coordinator as instructed on the form.
Name | ADOT Job Title |
Matt Moul, Chair | Deputy State Engineer - Design |
Jim Windsor, Vice Chair | Deputy State Engineer - Operations |
Barry Crockett, Vice Chair | Deputy State Engineer - Contracts |
In Recruitment, Vice Chair | Deputy Division Director - TSMO |
Jesus Sandoval-Gil | Materials State Engineer |
Bill Fay | Construction State Engineer |
David Benton | Bridge Engineering Group Manager |
Michael DenBleyker | Roadway Group Manager |
Kerry Wilcoxon | Traffic Engineering Group Manager |
Kirstin Huston | Contracts and Specifications Group Manager |
Jerry James | Systems Management Group Manager |
Anthony Casselman | Southcentral District Administrator |
Ed Wilson | Northeast District Engineer |
George Williams | Assistant State Engineer |
Advisory Members
Name | Organization |
Brian Gallimore | Associated General Contractors |
Martin Ramirez | Arizona Rock Products Association |
Karen Hobbs | American Council of Engineering Companies |
Tom Deitering/Ammon Heier/Jennifer Acuna | Federal Highway Administration |
Committee Staff
Name | ADOT Job Title |
Regan Larson, Coordinator | Executive Staff Assistant, Infrastructure, Delivery and Operations Division |
Reza Karimvand | Standards and Compliance Engineer |
Subcommittees are made up of ADOT and industry members and are responsible for creating new or revising existing standards in their subject areas per the direction of the Standards Committee. The Subcommittees are as follows:
- Materials Subcommittee
- Traffic Subcommittee
- Bridges and Structures Subcommittee
- Roadway Engineering Subcommittee
- Contract Administration Subcommittee
Standards Committee Monthly Meeting Dates 2024
- Feb 15
- Mar 21
- April 18
- May 16
- Jun 20
- Jul 18
- Aug 15
- Sep 19
- Oct 17
- Nov 21
- Dec 19
Approved requests are listed in the Request Tracking Table.