Change or Cancel a Dealer License

Change or Cancel a Dealer License

Arizona Revised Statutes require dealers to notify Dealer Licensing of any change to a dealer record pertaining to owners, physical location, business name or change in business hours. For instructions on how to submit a request for changes please review here:


Change Owners

Per A.R.S. § 28-4361.D, within 30 days of an ownership change submit  Add or Delete Individual on a License per individual.  The form must be notarized by a current owner and a copy of the requested supporting documentation submitted.

Change Physical Location or Business Name

Per A.R.S. § 28-4408, before a licensee moves from one location to another or changes their business name, they must submit  Dealer Record Amendment , the applicable fee and requested supporting documentation.

Change Business Hours

Per A.R.S. § 28-4407, submit notice of any change in business hours to Dealer Licensing at least ten (10) days prior to the change.

Cancel Your Dealer License

Submit a notification signed by an owner that includes the dealership license number, business name and effective date of the cancellation.  Send the notification, dealer license and all dealer plates associated with your dealer license.

Dealer Licensing
PO Box 2100
Mail Drop 552M
Phoenix, AZ 85001-2100

If you wish to apply for a dealer license in the future, all requirements would be necessary to process your application.