How do I add/delete a lien on my title?

Complete a title application (including the lien information), submit with the most current title, pay a $4 title fee and obtain a lien release from the lienholder/lender (if applicable) with

  • a complete description of the vehicle (year, make, and vehicle identification number).
  • the date the lien was paid in full.
  • a notation or stamp that indicates the lien is paid.
  • the full signature of the lienholder or the lienholder agent.

Can you tell me what I paid in vehicle registration fee and taxes for last year?

You can see how much you paid in vehicle registration fees for last year, including your vehicle license tax, by using the Vehicle Payment Summary online service. You can view your record and print it. This is a free service. Note: This recap is provided for information only. If you are using it for tax purposes, consult your tax adviser.