Who is involved in the Arizona STSP?

The Arizona Department of Transportation manages implementation of the Arizona STSP and is a primary stakeholder as are the Arizona Department of Public Safety, Arizona Department of Health Services, Governor’s Officer of Highway Safety, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association. Hundreds of other stakeholders, representing municipalities, law enforcement, emergency responders, hospitals and health services providers, safety organizations, and more serve on Emphasis Area teams.

Why does the Arizona STSP matter?

Every year, preventable crashes result in hundreds of fatalities and thousands of serious injuries on Arizona roadways. The purpose of the STSP is to direct transportation-project investment decisions and assure best practices are adopted to achieve a significant reduction in transportation related fatalities and serious injuries on all public roadways.

What are the Emphasis Areas?

Based on the most recent analysis of statewide crash data, Arizona has identified five emphasis areas. These emphasis areas are a required component of any STSP and help direct resources, focus implementation efforts, and organize emphasis area teams. The five emphasis areas are: Highway Safety (Behavior-Related), Intersections, Lane Departure, Pedestrians and Safety-Related Data.

What is the Arizona STSP?

A Strategic Traffic Safety Plan (STSP) is a statewide, coordinated plan that provides a comprehensive framework for reducing fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. The STSP is developed by the Arizona Department of Transportation in cooperation with local, regional, state, federal, tribal, non-profit and private-sector safety stakeholders. The STSP is a data-driven, multiyear plan that establishes statewide goals and objectives and identifies Emphasis Areas that must be addressed to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries.

How many years of experience driving a commercial motor vehicle are required to qualify for the waiver?

For at least two years immediate preceding the application date for the waiver, you must have operated a military motor vehicle that is representative of the commercial motor vehicle (CMV) that you operate or expect to operate. See the Military Personnel page for more information.