State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
All highway and transit projects in the state, funded under Title 23 and the Federal Transit Act, must be included in a federally approved STIP. Projects in the STIP must be consistent with the statewide long-range transportation plan and metropolitan transportation improvement programs (TIPs). The program must reflect expected funding and priorities for programming, including transportation enhancements. Additionally, the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) requires Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) within nonattainment areas to perform conformity determinations prior to the approval of their Regional Transportation Plans (RTPs) and TIPs.
These conformity determinations show that the Current STIP. As a product of all the regional TIPs, is consistent with the air-quality goals in the applicable Arizona State Implementation Plans (SIPs).
- 2019-2023 State Transportation Improvement Program
- STIP Amendments
- STIP Administrative Amendments
- ADOT's TIP: First four years in the current Five-Year Transportation Facilities Construction Program
Previous Programs
Previous State Transportation Improvement Programs (STIP) are available for review.