Project History - Loop 202 (South Mountain Freeway)

Project History - Loop 202 (South Mountain Freeway)

Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway

Project History

The folders below provide detailed information related to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) documents for the Loop 202 (South Mountain Freeway). These documents were created in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and provide information as to how ADOT and FHWA determined the alignment of the South Mountain Freeway. 

Horizontal Project History Timeline - Loop 202 (South Mountain Freeway) Project


Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)

The Draft EIS examined the potential environmental effects of proposed alternatives for the South Mountain Freeway Project, and where adverse impacts were identified, it discussed measures to mitigate them.

Based on the findings of the Draft EIS, the written and oral comments received during the public hearing held on May 21, 2013, and comments received during the Draft EIS document public comment period that ended on July 24, 2013, ADOT prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS). Comments received during the Draft EIS public comment period, including those received at the public hearing and community forums, were addressed in the Final EIS.

ADOT invited interested individuals, organizations, and federal, state, and local agencies to comment on the Draft EIS. The document can be downloaded below. The Draft EIS was also available at multiple locations, including public libraries, online and ADOT offices.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement Download

The files below are in PDF format unless otherwise noted. Each complete Draft EIS chapter is available for download and review. Because these are large files, and as an additional security measure, right click and choose Save Target As to save the files to your disk. The chapters are also divided into smaller sections to allow easier download and review of the documents.

Cover, Title Page, Table of Contents Summary Chapter

Chapter 1: Purpose and Need

Chapter 2: Community Coordination

Chapter 3: Alternatives

Chapter 4: Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Mitigation

Chapter 5: Section 4(f) Evaluation

Chapter 6: Comments and Coordination

Preparers, Abbreviations and Acronyms, Glossary, Bibliography and References, and Index


Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)

ADOT, FHWA and the study team reviewed over 8,000 comments submitted by the public, stakeholders and agencies during a 90-day Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) review and comment period. All comments, regardless of how they were submitted, were considered and addressed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS), which was publicly released on Sept. 26, 2014, for a review period that closed on Dec. 29, 2014.

The Final EIS formally documents the analysis of potential impacts associated with the preferred alternative, other action alternatives and the No-Action alternative, and it proposes mitigation for all the action alternatives. The Final EIS also incorporates changes based on comments received and updated analysis based on new socioeconomic and traffic projections. Responses to public and agency comments on the Draft EIS can be found in Volume III of the Final EIS.

As part of the public review period for the South Mountain Freeway Final EIS, it was noted that 10 comments submitted in 2013 on the Draft EIS were not documented in the Final EIS. As a result, ADOT and the Federal Highway Administration issued a formal Notice of Omission in the Federal Register on Nov. 7, 2014, and published an Errata to the Final EIS on Nov. 28, 2014. The Errata contained the 10 additional comments to the Draft EIS that were inadvertently not recorded in the Final EIS and also included the responses to those comments.

Final Environmental Impact Statement and Errata Download

The files below are in PDF format unless otherwise noted. Each complete Final EIS chapter is available for download and review. Because these are large files, and as an additional security measure, right-click and choose Save Target As to save the files to your desired location. The chapters are also divided into smaller sections to allow easier download and review of the documents.

Volume I, Main Text

Volume II, Appendices

The 90-day comment period on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the South Mountain Freeway began on April 26, 2013, and closed on July 24, 2013. During that period, 8,221 comments were submitted to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and Federal Highway Administration through various media, including the ADOT project website, emails, telephone hotline, letters, and oral and written testimony.

The comment documents and responses are presented side-by-side in this appendix. Comments are organized alphabetically by the affiliation of the commenter (see Table of Contents). Anonymous comments are located at the end of the Citizen Comments and Responses section. Comments received after the July 24, 2013, deadline are at the end of the entire document. The responses are structured to be comprehensive and address the content of the comments. The reader may be referred to other similar responses and/or the text in the DEIS or Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS); this is done to create a more concise response section and to help guide the reader to the sections of the DEIS and FEIS where the information about the content of the comment is contained.

Volume III, Comment Responses

Volume IV, Errata to the FEIS
Technical Reports

The left column presents the technical reports that were prepared for the DEIS. These reports were updated for the FEIS and either an addendum was prepared or a complete new technical report was prepared. The updated documents are presented in the right column. Portions of the Section 4(f) Report and some of the cultural resource reports have been redacted due to sensitive cultural resource information.

At the DEIS stage   At the FEIS stage
Land Use Report   Addendum
Social Conditions Report   Addendum
Title VI and Environmental Justice Report   Addendum
Economic Impacts Report   Addendum
    Air Quality Technical Report
    Noise Report
Water Resource Report   Addendum
Floodplains Report   Addendum
Jurisdictional Waters Report   Addendum
Geotechnical Report   Addendum
    Biological Evaluation
Cultural Resources    
Prime and Unique Farmland Report   Addendum
Draft Initial Site Assessment   Addendum
Visual Report   Addendum
Energy Report   Addendum
Utilities Report   Addendum
Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Report   Addendum
Section 4(f) and Section 6(f) Report   Addendum
    Traffic Overview

Validation of Alternatives Screening Process at the FEIS Stage

Record of Decision (ROD)

In March 2015, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued a Record of Decision on the Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway, selecting a build alternative. The Record of Decision (ROD) is the final decision-making document for the project, signaling formal federal approval of the project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and authorizing ADOT to proceed with design, land acquisition, and construction.

Record of Decision Download

The files below are in PDF format unless otherwise noted. Each complete chapter is available for download and review. Because these are large files, and as an additional security measure, right-click and choose Save Target As to save the files to your desired location. The chapters are also divided into smaller sections to allow easier download and review of the documents.

Volume I, Main Text

Volume II, Appendix A

Volume III, Appendices B, C, and D


Technical Reports

The left column presents the technical reports that were prepared for the DEIS. These reports were updated for the FEIS and either an addendum was prepared or a complete new technical report was prepared. The updated documents are presented in the right column. Portions of the Section 4(f) Report and some of the cultural resource reports have been redacted due to sensitive cultural resource information.

At the DEIS stage   At the FEIS stage
Land Use Report   Addendum
Social Conditions Report   Addendum
Title VI and Environmental Justice Report   Addendum
Economic Impacts Report   Addendum
    Air Quality Technical Report
    Noise Report
Water Resource Report   Addendum
Floodplains Report   Addendum
Jurisdictional Waters Report   Addendum
Geotechnical Report   Addendum
    Biological Evaluation
Cultural Resources    
Prime and Unique Farmland Report   Addendum
Draft Initial Site Assessment   Addendum
Visual Report   Addendum
Energy Report   Addendum
Utilities Report   Addendum
Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Report   Addendum
Section 4(f) and Section 6(f) Report   Addendum
    Traffic Overview

Validation of Alternatives Screening Process at the FEIS Stage

Post-Record of Decision (ROD)

Post-ROD Stage Technical Documents

Information provided in this section was developed following the issuance of the Record of Decision (ROD). Files can be large and take time to download to your computer. Adobe Reader may be needed to view these documents.
Sonoran Desert Tortoise Habitat Survey
Main text from 2015-04 Final LDCR
Appendices from 2015-04 Final LDCR
Reevaluation #1 - Ped Bridge and Connector Road - Main Text
Reevaluation #1 - Ped Bridge and Connector Road - Appendices
Reevaluation #2 - Remainder Parcels - Main Text
Reevaluation #2 - Remainder Parcels - Appendices
Reevaluation #3 - Chandler Boulevard 27th Avenue to 19th Avenue
Reevaluation #4 - Remainder Parcels
Reevaluation #5 - Expansion of Right of Way and Easements
Reevaluation #6 - Expansion of Right of Way and Easements
Reevaluation #7 - Expansion of Right of Way and Easements
Reevaluation #8 - Expansion of Right of Way and Easements

Reevaluation #9 - 32nd Street Traffic Interchange (Technical Reports)

Appendix A - Off-site State Route Traffic Analysis SR202 and S. Chandler Blvd
Appendix B - Air Quality Assessment Memo - POAQCQ - Consulting Party Coordination
Appendix C - Addendum 4 to Final Noise Report (Pecos Segment)
Appendix D - USFWS and AGFD Biology Database Results
Appendix E - Section 106 Consultation
Appendix F - Hazardous Materials Evaluation Memo
Appendix G - Agency NEPA Scoping Letter Responses

32nd Street Comment Summary (Public Involvement Report)

Appendix A - Public Information and Advertisements
Appendix B - Open House Materials
Appendix C - Public Comments, Questionnaire Results and Responses to Comments

Reevaluation 10 - Ivanhoe Street Traffic Interchange (Technical Report)

Appendix A - Air Quality Assessment
Appendix B - Noise Analysis Technical Report
Appendix C - Biological Findings
Appendix D - Section 106 Consultation
Appendix E - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Appendix F - Agency Scoping

Ivanhoe Street Comment Summary (Public Involvement Report)

Appendix A - Public Information and Advertisements
Appendix B - Open House Materials
Appendix C - Public Comments, Questionnaire Results and Responses to Comments


Information provided in this section is meant as a resource for this project. Files can be large and take time to download to your computer. Adobe Reader may be needed to view these documents.

Public Involvement for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)

Citizens Advisory Team (CAT)

Recommendation Papers, Decision Documents and Technical Summaries





Meetings and Events

The project team met with various groups to present study information. Groups included the Citizens Advisory Team, village planning committees, service organizations, homeowners associations, Maricopa County, Maricopa Association of Governments, Gila River Indian Community and the cities of Tolleson, Avondale, Goodyear, Chandler and Phoenix.

For meeting information prior to 2013, please contact [email protected](link sends e-mail) or call 855.712.7530.

Citizens Advisory Team

A Citizens Advisory Team (CAT) was organized as part of the public involvement plan for this project. The CAT is an important group for the lead agencies to obtain stakeholder input beginning very early in the project planning process when needs are assessed, objectives formulated and alternatives evaluated for feasibility.

The CAT provides a forum that allows interactive discussions by representatives from various groups having interest in the project. It provides opportunities to inform and educate stakeholders, to serve as a conduit for getting information out to the community, to enable the lead agencies to understand stakeholder issues in greater detail, to help stakeholders recognize the variety of viewpoints within the community and to allow community members to work together to formulate new ideas or to resolve differences. CAT members agree to attend CAT meetings as representatives of their interest group (such as residents or businesses), to seek input from the group they are chosen to represent and to share those perspectives with the committee through open discussions at CAT meetings. Learn more about the history of the CAT, the member organizations and their Final Recommendation Summary.

Community Forums

As an additional participation opportunity, especially for those unable to attend the public hearing, six community forums were held throughout metropolitan Phoenix.

These forums provided an informal opportunity to learn more about the study and the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. At the forums, technical staff was available to answer questions, and study materials, including the study video, were available to view. No formal presentation or "hearing" occurred at these community forums (i.e., no formal three-minute comments in front of a panel). However, court reporters were available to take individual verbal comments with no time limit, and written comments could be submitted.

Meetings in 2013

Community Forums

July 11 | Hilton Garden Inn, Phoenix, AZ
July 9 | Laveen Education Center, Laveen, AZ
June 25 | Windmill Suites, Chandler, AZ
June 22 | Komatke Boys and Girls Club, Gila River Indian Community
June 18 | Foothills Golf Club, Phoenix (Ahwatukee), AZ
June 4 | Sunridge Elementary School, Phoenix, AZ

CAT Meetings

June 11 | South Mountain Community College
Summary | Presentation | Parking Lot Items

April 22 | South Mountain Community College
Agenda | Summary | Presentation

Public Hearing

May 21 | Phoenix Convention Center
100 N. Third St
Phoenix, AZ 85004

General EIS Documents General
Purpose and Need
SM Banner 4 Chapter 4
Affected Environment, Consequences and Mitigation
SM Banner 1 Chapter 1
Purpose and Need
SM Banner 5 Chapter 5
Section 4(f) Evaluation
SM Banner 2 Chapter 2
Gila River Indian Community Coordination
SM Banner 6

Chapter 6
Comments and Coordination

SM Banner 3 Chapter 3