History - US 93, I-40 West Kingman

History - US 93, I-40 West Kingman


ADOT has monitored the increasing traffic growth and congestion in west Kingman that has occurred over the years. The traffic volume is more than the current diamond interchange is designed to accommodate. 

 In 2007, a feasibility study was initiated, and alternatives for a new system traffic interchange were identified. The proposed traffic interchange design includes a free-flowing connection between the two freeways without stopping at the ramp intersection. 

The new traffic interchange is being designed to accommodate both current and projected traffic volumes for this area for the next 20 years. The Final Feasibility Report was completed, which identified a preferred improvement corridor.

In 2009, the preferred improvement corridor was further refined into a series of specific alignment alternatives. These alternatives were shared with the public and agency stakeholders where a most favorable alternative was developed. This information was completed and summarized in a Design Concept Report (DCR) in 2015.

The Final Environmental Assessment (FEA) was completed in July 2020.

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