US 93 Vista Royale Improvements

US 93 Vista Royale Improvements


US 93 in Yavapai County Improvements


US 93, one of Arizona’s Key Commerce Corridors, is the main route connecting Phoenix and Las Vegas, two of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the country. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) has been systematically improving US 93 between Phoenix and Las Vegas for over 20 years. While US 93 from I-40 (Kingman) to the Nevada state line has been fully improved to a four-lane divided highway, a handful of narrow, two-lane sections remain.

US 93 Vista Royale Widening Map

In 2006, ADOT, in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration, completed a Design Concept Report for the US 93, Wickenburg to Santa Maria River widening project. The Design Concept Report (DCR) developed an Environmental Assessment and 30% design concept, including sufficient detail to produce a construction cost estimate and to evaluate the merits of the project.

The report describes the corridor and design concept alternatives along US 93, between Wickenburg and the Santa Maria River. The study was subdivided into three segments based on features and conditions specific to each segment. The US 93 Vista Royale segment (see map below) is located just north of Wickenburg between mileposts 190.0 - 193.5.

Proposed Project Improvements 

This project proposes to replace an undivided two-lane section of rural US 93. The project would:

  • Construct 3.5 miles of four-lane divided road with 8-foot shoulders and broadband conduit. The project ties into the four-lane section to the north and a roundabout (in design) to the south. 
  • Install a new two-lane frontage road on the east side with an 8-foot stabilized shoulder for walking, biking, and equestrian use. The new frontage road will connect to the west side of US 93 at Vista Royale Dr/Antelope Creek Rd, Caballero Dr, and Moreton Airpark Rd to support safe and efficient local traffic circulation. 
  • Construct a new two-lane southbound bridge across BNSF tracks with a 6-foot walkway for cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Include provisions to accommodate potential future roundabouts. To maintain local connectivity, the project design will account for the right-of-way needed to accommodate two future roundabouts, if warranted. 

During construction, ADOT plans to maintain uninterrupted traffic flow on the existing two-lane roadway while the new parallel southbound segment is being constructed.

Project Funding & Schedule

ADOT applied for and received a $26 million federal grant to advance the Arizona Department of Transportation’s plans to upgrade US 93 to a four-lane divided highway northwest of Wickenburg.  This U.S. Department of Transportation Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant will allow ADOT to extend the length of an already planned widening project by 1.27 miles between Wickenburg Ranch Way and just northwest of State Route 89, creating around 4.5 miles of four-lane divided highway. This stretch will connect with several miles currently being widened within Wickenburg. 

The agency has $46.5 million currently programmed for construction in fiscal year 2028 to divide US 93 between mileposts 190 and 193.5 for the Vista Royale project. The $26 million grant will go toward an additional 1.27 miles extending to the southeast. Project development is currently underway and will continue. The grant-funded project will connect with a stretch currently being widened between mileposts 194 and 199, further southeast. 

Schedule for the project will be determined once project design and development is completed. For more information on current and planned ADOT projects in northwestern Arizona, please visit

Project Documents

Design Concept Report for the US 93, Wickenburg to Santa Maria River improvements project

Environmental Assessment (EA) Document and Finding of No Significant Impacts (FONSI) 


Stay Informed

  • By email: Contact Community Relations Project Manager Nicole Underwood at [email protected].
  • Online: Submit a question or comment through the ADOT website. Visit and select Projects from the dropdown menu.
  • By phone: Call the ADOT Project Information Line at 855.712.8530.
  • Teléfono: Línea de Información del Proyecto ADOT: 855.712.8530