Four new specialty plates hit the streets

Four new specialty plates hit the streets

Four new specialty plates hit the streets

Four new specialty plates hit the streets

By Bill Lamoreaux / ADOT Communications
August 8, 2022

Arizona motorists now have four new choices to show their support for community organizations while on the roadways and highways. Thunderbirds Charities, Arizona 4-H, Arizona Education and Congenital Heart Defect Awareness plates are available, along with many other options to display what is important to you.

Placing a specialty license plate on your car can be a fun way to show off your fandom, interests and past experiences. Did you know that specialty plates also raise money for charities in Arizona?

That’s right, for most specialty plates, $17 of the $25 initial application and annual renewal fees goes straight to charity. In fact, nearly 740,000 specialty plates helped generate more than $12 million for charitable causes across Arizona in the past 12 months.

Some of the most popular specialty license plates include:

     1. Veterans

     2. First Responders

     3. Arizona Cardinals

     4. Arizona Highways

     5. Military Support/Freedom 

In fact, the Veterans, First Responder, Arizona Cardinals and Arizona Highways plates each generated more than $1 million in revenue this past fiscal year.

To order a specialty plate and support a great cause, visit, an MVD office or Authorized Third-Party office.

Will Your License fly? AZ Travel ID deadline is around the corner

Will Your License fly? AZ Travel ID deadline is around the corner

Will Your License fly? AZ Travel ID deadline is around the corner

Will Your License fly? AZ Travel ID deadline is around the corner

By Bill Lamoreaux / ADOT Communications
May 10, 2022

2023 might feel like a long way away, but it’ll be here quickly. Join the 1.65 million Arizonans who have already upgraded to the Arizona Travel ID. 

Now, we do understand this might seem a bit… repetitive. This date has changed before. Please understand that this is a federal program and the implementation has been affected, like so much else, by the events of the past two years. But when the time finally comes, you want to be prepared because without a federally-approved ID, you won’t be able to fly commercially or get into federal buildings.

Beginning May 3, 2023, you will need a federally-compliant credential -- like the Arizona Travel ID -- to get past TSA checkpoints at airports for domestic flights. This credential is distinguished by a gold star in the upper right corner and is available to Arizona residents as a driver license or identification card.  

Travel ID
Don’t get grounded, go to today to update your ID before the deadline.  

You can also walk into an MVD office for this service, but we suggest scheduling an appointment and that can be done online at Even if you haven’t activated your AZ MVD NOW account, you can still schedule a Travel ID appointment. 

Because the Arizona Travel ID is compliant with the federal standards, you will need to provide extra documentation like a birth certificate, social security number and proof of Arizona residency.

More information, and a full list of qualifying documents are available at

The Arizona Specialty Plate Quiz

The Arizona Specialty Plate Quiz

The Arizona Specialty Plate Quiz

The Arizona Specialty Plate Quiz

By John LaBarbera / ADOT Communications
February 25, 2022

Arizona's specialty license plates benefit all kinds of worthy organizations and charities. In fact, there are dozens of specialty plates to choose from at

But how well do you know Arizona's specialty plates? Care to take a crack at our trivia quiz?

Let's see if you can get 10/10! Good luck!


ADOT MVD unveils 15 new specialty license plates

ADOT MVD unveils 15 new specialty license plates

I-17 101 traffic interchange

ADOT MVD unveils 15 new specialty license plates

ADOT MVD unveils 15 new specialty license plates

December 28, 2021

PHOENIX – The Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division has made available 15 new specialty license plates.

“We know that people who choose specialty license plates for their vehicles take pride in owning and displaying them,” MVD Director Eric Jorgensen said. “MVD is pleased that we can partner with various organizations and help raise funds that benefit Arizonans.”

Most specialty plates cost $25 each year. Of that amount, $17 goes to a designated charity or non-profit group. In the Fiscal Year that ended June 30, the total statewide sales of specialty plates netted about $11 million for various causes and charities.

All specialty license plates can be viewed and purchased at These are the new specialty license plates:

Arizona Rodeo

This specialty plate is available to anyone and $17 from each plate goes to promote, educate and preserve the history of rodeo in Arizona. Dave Alford, general manager of Rodeo Scottsdale, pointed out that the two oldest rodeos in the world -- Payson’s World’s Oldest Continuous Rodeo and Prescott’s World’s Oldest Rodeo -- are in Arizona, and rodeos in Scottsdale, Tucson and Yuma have occurred for nearly a combined 250 years.

“There’s a lot of history of rodeo in Arizona and we wanted to put it on a license plate and share it,” said Dave Alford, general manager of Rodeo Scottsdale. “From fans to contestants, there are many people that will get this plate and they’ll all be helping a good cause.”

Make-A-Wish Arizona

This specialty plate is available to anyone and $17 from each plate goes to create life-changing wishes for Arizona children dealing with critical illnesses.

“Make-A-Wish Arizona is excited to showcase our organization on cars all over Arizona with our new specialty license plate,” said Elizabeth Reich, president and CEO of Make-A-Wish Arizona. “We know our donors and supporters will love what the image represents – the impact and joy of a wish – while also understanding that their plate benefits future wishes for kids right here in Arizona.”

Veterans of Foreign Wars

This specialty plate is available to anyone and $17 from each plate goes to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Arizona Service Officers/Benefit Counselors Program.

“Our motto is, ‘No one does more for veterans! Now, with the new VFW specialty plate we can help more Veterans get the benefits they have earned,” said Tom Judd, past State Commander of the VFW Department of Arizona.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Arizona

This specialty plate is available to anyone and $17 from each plate goes to provide fraternal, patriotic, historical, charitable and educational support to veterans and military members and their families in Arizona communities.

“Proceeds generated from this special plate will provide fraternal, patriotic, historical, charitable and educational support to veterans and military members, their families and our communities,” said Melody Judd, VFW Auxiliary Department of Arizona Program Coordinator.

The Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services is the sponsor of 11 new specialty license plates. These plates are available to veterans or the immediate family members of someone who has been issued a Veteran specialty plate. Seventeen dollars from each plate goes to the Veterans' Donation Fund which funds programs that benefit Veterans and their families throughout Arizona. The new plates are:

  • Veteran plate with Air Force Seal
  • Veteran plate with Army Seal
  • Veteran plate with Coast Guard Seal
  • Veteran plate with Code Talker Seal
  • Veteran plate with Marine Seal
  • Veteran plate with Navy Seal
  • Woman Veteran plate with Air Force Seal
  • Woman Veteran plate with Army Seal
  • Woman Veteran plate with Coast Guard Seal
  • Woman Veteran plate with Marine Seal
  • Woman Veteran plate with Navy Seal

“Veterans take a lot of pride in not only their military service, but also their specific branch,” Col. Wanda Wright, ADVS Director said. “These new license plates give veterans another way to honor their service while helping other veterans.”

The Veteran Code Talker plate was designed by Alyssa Williams of Flagstaff, who won the Code Talker Seal Design Contest in 2020 that was held in partnership with the Governor’s Office on Tribal Relations and ADOT.

To view and order any specialty plate, visit Most specialty plates cost $25 upon initial application, of which $17 goes to a designated charitable organization. Personalization can be added for an additional $25 per year.

Specialty plates are authorized by the Arizona legislature and have been offered since 1989. Authorized plate designs complete a review by ADOT and law enforcement. In all, there are more than 80 license plate options for Arizona motorists.

Redesigned Phoenix Suns specialty plate now available

Redesigned Phoenix Suns specialty plate now available

I-17 101 traffic interchange

Redesigned Phoenix Suns specialty plate now available

Redesigned Phoenix Suns specialty plate now available

November 22, 2021

PHOENIX – The Phoenix Suns specialty license plate has a new look and it’s a slam dunk for fans of the NBA Western Conference champions.

The Phoenix Suns specialty plate can be ordered at, which is the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division’s primary online self-service portal.

Displaying the Suns specialty plate does more than share your fandom, it also benefits charitable causes. The specialty plate costs $25 upon initial application, of which $17 goes to Phoenix Suns Charities, impacting children in need throughout Arizona.

Last year, all of Arizona’s specialty plates raised nearly $11 million for charitable causes.

The Suns specialty plate with the old design remains valid for use on vehicles but is no longer available for purchase. Customers with the old specialty plate design can receive the redesigned plate for a $5 fee, plus postage and handling. 

To order any specialty plate, visit

What’s the difference between AZMVDNow and ServiceArizona?

What’s the difference between AZMVDNow and ServiceArizona?

What’s the difference between AZMVDNow and ServiceArizona?

What’s the difference between AZMVDNow and ServiceArizona?

By Doug Pacey / ADOT Communications
April 26, 2021

For years, doing business online with MVD meant going to But, about a year ago, took over as the primary way to complete MVD services on the Internet.

Part of this change came about because MVD transitioned from an obsolete computer system – it contained elements that were more than three decades old and unsustainable – to a state-of-the-art platform that allowed for far more online services to be offered to customers. is great and it’s still there, but opened up a much broader world of customer service.

So, what’s the difference between and

First, let’s start with their similarities:

  • Both websites are maintained by ADOT and are the only places on the Internet that a person should share or provide their personal information regarding MVD services.
  • Both are fast, easy and secure.

Some services, such as vehicle registration renewal, requesting a replacement driver license or driver license motor vehicle record, and ordering a restricted-use 3-day permit can be completed at both websites.

Now, how are they different? Another way to phrase this is, “Why should you make your go-to website for MVD services?" Because at you can:

  • Schedule an in-office MVD appointment – for Travel ID, perhaps?
  • Renew a driver license.
  • Renew a CDL.
  • Teens can take the Permit Test @ Home.
  • Request a “paper title” for your vehicle.
  • Order a specialty or personalized license plate.
  • Electronically transfer your vehicle title after a sale.
  • Change your address and email on file with MVD.
  • Order an OHV decal.
  • Submit a sold notice.
  • Request a registration refund.
  • Complete many other MVD services – all told, two-thirds of MVD transactions can be done at

AZMVDNOw also allows customers to complete multiple services after logging into their account, while requires users to complete one transaction at a time.

To recap, when doing MVD business online, is the go-to site.

Arizonans can now renew driver licenses online

Arizonans can now renew driver licenses online

I-17 101 traffic interchange

Arizonans can now renew driver licenses online

Arizonans can now renew driver licenses online

February 25, 2021

PHOENIX – Renewing a standard Arizona driver license and a commercial driver license can now be completed with a few clicks on a website.

As Governor Doug Ducey’s Executive Order on deferring standard driver license expiration dates ends on Feb. 28, the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division is giving many Arizonans the ability to renew their driver license online. Previously, renewals could only be processed during an office visit.

“Most Arizonans with a standard driver license must renew their license when they turn 65 years of age and every five years thereafter,” ADOT Director John Halikowski said. “During the pandemic, ADOT wants to continue Governor Ducey’s efforts to help protect our most vulnerable and we’re pleased to be able to offer a contactless renewal option so people can continue making healthy choices.”

An in-office visit will be required to renew a standard Arizona driver license if an individual’s photo of record was taken more than 12 years prior to renewal, but most Arizonans will be able to renew their driver license without visiting an MVD office. Driver license-holders can log-in to their account at to see their eligibility for online renewal.

To renew a CDL online at, an individual’s address must remain the same, a valid primary document is on file with MVD and their current credential must be in good standing. CDL holders with a hazmat endorsement will not be able to renew their license online.

This new, streamlined renewal option was made possible, in large part, when MVD implemented a state-of-the-art computer operating system last spring. That change replaced an obsolete system that contained elements that were older than 35 years and no longer sustainable. The new system has made it possible for MVD to offer customers the ability to complete most services online at, eliminating the need to visit an MVD office for many Arizonans.

“We’ve all seen a lot of change over the last year, but this is something new that everyone can embrace,” MVD Director Eric Jorgensen said. “The website has added convenience for customers and made it easier for Arizonans to conduct their business with MVD. Adding driver license renewals to the long list of other services, like registration renewals, change of address and ordering a replacement license, will help keep Arizonans out of line and safely on the road.”

When renewing online, an individual’s official driver record will be updated with the new expiration date in the MVD system when the application and payment are submitted electronically. 

When it comes time to renew a driver license, individuals can follow the below steps to renew online.

  • Go to and sign-in to your account. If you need to activate your account – everyone with an Arizona driver license has an account – follow those steps.
  • After logging in, select “Renew Now” in the “My Credential” section and follow the instructions.
  • Allow about 15 days for processing and mail delivery of your new driver license.



Olivia Rodrigo has her ‘Drivers License.’ Do you?

Olivia Rodrigo has her ‘Drivers License.’ Do you?

Olivia Rodrigo has her ‘Drivers License.’ Do you?

Olivia Rodrigo has her ‘Drivers License.’ Do you?

By Doug Pacey / ADOT Communications
January 26, 2021

Olivia Rodrigo’s song “Drivers License” has taken the music world by storm, shattering streaming and airplay records and debuting at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

While we here at the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division aren’t hit songwriters or noted music critics, we are professionals at issuing driver licenses and feel we can speak with some authority on this topic.

Both parents and teens can feel anxiety when a teen is learning to drive, but otaining a permit or driver license shouldn't cause any stress. When it comes time for teens to get their license, here are the steps for first-time drivers younger than 18 years old:

First, check the permit and license requirements.

Next, you’ll need to take the written test to get an Instruction Permit. The written test can be taken at an MVD office – appointments are required – but we suggest doing the Permit Test @ Home through Study the Arizona Driver Manual and take a few practice tests to ensure you’re prepared for the written test. Participating Arizona Professional Driving School trainers can also administer the written test. 

After the written test is passed, it’s time to get your Instruction Permit. Use the teen’s AZ MVD Now account to schedule an appointment at an MVD office or visit an Authorized Third Party driver license provider. Don’t forget to bring a completed application and all necessary original supporting documents.

Now, you’ve got your instruction permit! But don’t go off driving by yourself “through the suburbs” just yet -- permit-holders must have a licensed driver who is at least 21 years of age in the front seat next to them at all times

Finally, after meeting requirements, schedule a road test so you can get your “Driver’s License!”

All in-office MVD appointments can be scheduled online

All in-office MVD appointments can be scheduled online

I-17 101 traffic interchange

All in-office MVD appointments can be scheduled online

All in-office MVD appointments can be scheduled online

December 7, 2020

PHOENIX – Need to make an in-office appointment at the MVD? Don’t pick up the phone, go online and pick the location and time that works best for you.

Customers can now go to the web and schedule an in-office appointment for any service at Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division offices. Previously, in-office appointments could be scheduled online for a selection of transactions.

“MVD is excited to give customers the ability to schedule their own in-office appointments at their convenience,” said MVD Director Eric Jorgensen. “This streamlines the process of setting up an MVD appointment."

Customers can schedule in-office appointments at, the primary online portal for MVD customers. After logging in, users can navigate to “Schedule an Appointment” and choose from the six options listed: Travel ID, ID/Driver License Renewal, Instruction Permit, Road Test, Motorcycle Road Test and Additional Services.

AZ MVD Now accounts are free and every person with an Arizona driver license, identification card, or vehicle registered in the state has an AZ MVD Now account. Since launching in April, more than 1.5 million accounts have been activated. To activate your account, go to and follow the prompts.

In addition to offering the ability to schedule in-office appointments, AZ MVD Now also allows customers to complete more than two-thirds of all MVD transactions and services, potentially taking away the need to visit an office for many customers.

Masks are required to be worn by all people – employees and customers – inside MVD offices.

Have MVD questions? Chatbot has answers

Have MVD questions? Chatbot has answers

Have MVD questions? Chatbot has answers

Have MVD questions? Chatbot has answers

By Doug Pacey / ADOT Communications
November 17, 2020

Sometimes, being pointed in the right direction is all the help we need. And the new Chatbot at does exactly that for Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division customers.

Need to change your address? Chatbot will show you the way.

Looking for information about a “sold notice"? Chatbot can assist.

Want to make an appointment at an MVD office? Chatbot provides the details.

“By necessity, there’s a lot of information on the MVD website,” said ADOT MVD Director Eric Jorgensen. “Our goal in creating Chatbot was to make it easier for people to find the right information, so they can quickly complete their transaction.”

In its first week of being active on, Chatbot had 26,000 interactions with users, helping them find the information they needed. At, Chatbot appears on the bottom of the page on a mobile device and in the bottom-right corner on a computer screen. 

To complete some MVD transactions online, users must log-in to their account at, which launched in April. More than two-thirds of all MVD transactions can be completed at, including common ones, like registration renewal, requesting a replacement license, updating insurance information, sold notices, 3-day permits, getting a motor vehicle record and many more.

Every current MVD customer has an AZMVDNow account. To date, about 1.5 million people have activated their account. To activate your free account, go to and follow the prompts.