New license and permit regulations for commercial drivers coming this November
New license and permit regulations for commercial drivers coming this November
New license and permit regulations for commercial drivers coming this November
New license and permit regulations for commercial drivers coming this November

Heads up to all you semi, bus and other commercial vehicle drivers out there. New federal regulations will take effect soon.
Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 12, having a “prohibited” status in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Clearinghouse will result in losing or being denied a commercial driver license (CDL) or commercial learner's permit (CLP) in Arizona. When an employer reports a prohibited status to the clearinghouse, ADOT MVD will be able to quickly issue a downgrade notice to the driver and remove the CDL or CLP privilege from the driver’s license.
The FMCSA Clearinghouse is an online database that gives employers and government agencies real-time access to information about drug and alcohol violations for CDL drivers.
Once a driver is downgraded in Arizona he or she will not be authorized to drive commercially until privileges are restored through the return-to-duty process.
Driver records will be available in the Clearinghouse for five years from the date of the violation determination, or until the violation is resolved through the successful completion of the return-to-duty process and follow-up testing plan, whichever is later.
This regulation will increase compliance with the driving prohibition, and help keep unsafe drivers off the road.
Before you climb into your big rig, 18-wheeler, tractor trailer, semi-truck or whatever you call it, make sure your CDL record is clean and in good standing. These new regulations also go into effect nationally on Nov. 18.
For more information about the return-to-duty process, please visit, Clearinghouse Learning Center or frequently asked questions.