PODCAST: Big things happening on the I-17 widening/flex lanes project
PODCAST: Big things happening on the I-17 widening/flex lanes project
PODCAST: Big things happening on the I-17 widening/flex lanes project
PODCAST: Big things happening on the I-17 widening/flex lanes project

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The I-17 Improvement Project continues to make progress with the 15 miles of widening between Anthem Way and Black Canyon City and with the 8 miles of flex lanes being constructed between Black Canyon City to Sunset Point. You can get the latest in this episode of On the Road With ADOT.
Laura Douglas, our communications led on this major project, shares with host Doug Nintzel how crews continue paving various sections of the 23-mile project corridor, while also focusing on the bridge work, earthwork, and, most recently, installation of the flex lanes technology.
And, just in time for the holiday travel season, a newly redesigned I-17 Improvement Project website will be unveiled before Thanksgiving. The website focuses on additional features to keep the driving public informed and engaged about the progress of the project.
You can subscribe to episodes of On the Road with ADOT through Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You also can find episodes at azdot.gov/Podcast and featured in ADOT Blog posts. You can subscribe to episodes of On the Road with ADOT through Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You also can find episodes at azdot.gov/Podcast and featured in ADOT Blog posts.