SR 189

State Route 189 improvement project nears completion in Nogales

State Route 189 improvement project nears completion in Nogales

I-17 101 traffic interchange

State Route 189 improvement project nears completion in Nogales

State Route 189 improvement project nears completion in Nogales

March 9, 2022

State Route 189 improvement project


NOGALES – The Arizona Department of Transportation is nearing completion on the $134 million project to improve international trade and safety on the 3.75-mile State Route 189, with a new connection that more seamlessly links the international port of entry at Mariposa Road with Interstate 19.

“The SR 189 project is a winner for southern Arizona, our entire state and the Arizona-Mexico corridor,” said Governor Doug Ducey. “It’s exactly the project we need to ensure the smooth and safe flow of commerce, bringing goods and people into the country. Thank you to the city of Nogales, Santa Cruz County and all of the partners in and around Nogales who helped make this unique project possible.”

“SR 189 is a critical route for international trade with Mexico, tying directly to a key commerce corridor,” said ADOT Director John Halikowski. “This project will benefit North American trade and tourism while making Mariposa Road safer for drivers and the community. We also look forward to enhancing the system of ports of entry along our southern border, with upcoming projects in San Luis and Douglas.”

The Mariposa Port of Entry is among the busiest in the United States. Close to 370,000 northbound trucks crossed the border at Nogales in 2021, carrying nearly $30 billion in goods, including much of the winter produce consumed in the U.S. 

The upgrades to SR 189 include flyover ramps connecting the highway with I-19, creating grade separation on a key local intersection, eliminating the need for commercial trucks to stop multiple times between the international border and I-19. Since the ramps opened in late February, the infrastructure improvement is helping speed the flow of commerce and attract even more trade between Mexico and Arizona. 

Construction began in May 2020. ADOT was able to advance the project two years earlier than originally planned after a $25 million appropriation was approved by the Arizona Legislature and signed by Governor Doug Ducey. Also, Arizona received a $25 million federal Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant.

“This project exemplifies the priorities of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and commitment to improve transportation infrastructure and supply chains nationwide,” said Deputy Federal Highway Administrator Stephanie Pollack. “The SR 189 project will improve air quality, traffic flow and safety for the region. We applaud ADOT for this major investment in Arizona’s future.”

Additionally, utilizing an innovative funding mechanism, the city of Nogales, Santa Cruz County and ADOT all agreed to contribute a portion of the funds they receive each year from overweight permits that trucking companies purchase when their loads exceed 80,000 pounds. 

The project also benefits Nogales residents and businesses by reducing congestion on one of the community’s primary roads, which passes by Nogales High School. It includes a new roundabout at Target Range Road and improved drainage and traffic signals.

“This project was essential to ensure the safety of our residents and the millions of tourists who rely on this road to get to their destinations,” said Nogales Mayor Arturo Garino. “The construction phase of the project was also a great contributor to our local economy. I am grateful to ADOT and all those that contributed to this major project making Nogales’ roads second to none.”

The Mariposa Port of Entry was upgraded in 2014, and the SR 189 project will now build on that earlier investment.

“This is not just a Nogales project but a project that impacts the entire Arizona-Mexico corridor,” said Jamie Chamberlain, chairman of the Greater Nogales Santa Cruz County Port Authority. “When you combine this investment with the investments made on the Mexican road from Mexico City to the border with Arizona, it makes us more competitive against those corridors that lead to California, New Mexico and Texas.” 

Bruce Bracker, of the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors, said the highway is a gateway for billions of trade and millions of visitors from Mexico. 

“After the U.S. government spent $250 million modernizing the Mariposa port of entry, SR 189 remained the major bottleneck and a safety concern for a local school,” Bracker said. “The county’s contribution to this project is an investment in the safety, growth and economic development of the region. We are grateful to Governor Ducey, ADOT and the US Department of Transportation for making this project a reality, and proud that Santa Cruz County could be a partner in this effort.”

Ames/Horrocks is the Design Build team on the project, with Ames leading construction and Horrocks leading design.

To learn more about the project, please visit

SR 189 flyover ramps open in Nogales

SR 189 flyover ramps open in Nogales

I-17 101 traffic interchange

SR 189 flyover ramps open in Nogales

SR 189 flyover ramps open in Nogales

February 25, 2022

NOGALES – As crews with the Arizona Department of Transportation continue working on improvements to State Route 189 in Nogales, the flyover ramps connecting SR 189 and Interstate 19 are now open to traffic.

The ramps connect northbound and southbound directions where the highways intersect, which will improve safety and the flow of international commerce. 

Work on the $134 million project that began in May 2020 will continue through March. Drivers should expect construction activity on SR 189, known locally as Mariposa Road, which is a 3.75-mile long highway linking the international border and I-19. 

For more information, please visit

Roundabout opens at Target Range Road

Roundabout opens at Target Range Road

I-17 101 traffic interchange

Roundabout opens at Target Range Road

Roundabout opens at Target Range Road

May 19, 2021

The first modern roundabout in Nogales is now open for drivers.

PHOENIX – The first modern roundabout in Nogales is now open for drivers.

Located at State Route 189 and Target Range Road, the roundabout opened Tuesday morning, May 18, with a single travel lane. Construction continues on the second lane, and work on the roundabout is expected to be complete this summer.

As part of the SR 189 improvement project, the roundabout replaces stop signs facing drivers about a mile north of the Mariposa Port of Entry.

Roundabouts are considered safer and more efficient for drivers. They are safer because drivers entering the roundabout only have to look left for oncoming traffic, and crashes that may occur tend to be less severe because vehicles are traveling at slower speeds and in the same general direction. According to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, roundabouts reduce injury crashes by 75 percent and fatal crashes by 90 percent compared with traditional intersections. 

For more about roundabouts, please visit: /about/transportation-safety/roundabouts

The $134 million project to improve SR 189 between the international border and Grand Avenue also includes long flyover ramps connecting SR 189 with Interstate 19 that will avoid delays for international truck drivers and improve safety on one of Nogales’ busiest roads. ADOT anticipates the project will be completed by this fall.

SR 189 is a vital route for Arizona’s economy. About 80 percent of international commerce enters Arizona at Nogales and follows SR 189 and I-19 to reach markets across the country.

For more information on the SR 189 improvements, please visit

State Route 189 work enters the home stretch

State Route 189 work enters the home stretch


State Route 189 work enters the home stretch

State Route 189 work enters the home stretch

By Tom Herrmann / ADOT Communications
April 22, 2021

As March turned into April, Arizona Department of Transportation crews working near the international border in Nogales celebrated the first anniversary of work on State Route 189 the way only roadbuilders can: Moving the last of a combined 8.5 million pounds of concrete-and-steel girders into place.

Last March, Governor Doug Ducey, along with government and business leaders from southern Arizona, broke ground on a project that is expected to create economic growth in Santa Cruz County while making one of Nogales’ busiest roads safer and less congested. 

ADOT is building two ramps connecting SR 189 with Interstate 19. When the work is complete this fall, the ramps will make Nogales a more attractive place for international commerce to enter the US. That’s significant; the Mariposa Port of Entry saw about $25.5 billion in imports and exports in 2019, including much of the winter produce consumed in the U.S.

They’ll also save trucking companies time and money by eliminating the need to stop at three traffic signals, and they’ll make SR 189 safer for Nogales High School students who will no longer have to navigate around those trucks to get to school.

The ramps provide an impressive site for southbound drivers on I-19. The northbound ramp runs for just more than half a mile, while the southbound ramp is just more than one-third of a mile long. They come together just west of Frank Reed Road. The ramps include 122 girders, each averaging about 70,000 pounds and 135 feet long.

Between now and when the work is complete, crews will be pouring concrete decks on the ramps, finishing a new roundabout at Target Range Road and completing the remaining tasks to make SR 189 better for Nogales, better for international trucking and better for Arizona’s economy.

“Better roads,” Governor Ducey said at last year’s groundbreaking, “mean a better future for Arizona.” 

In Nogales, that better future is just a few months away.

Monarch butterflies take flight in SR 189 construction

Monarch butterflies take flight in SR 189 construction


Monarch butterflies take flight in SR 189 construction

Monarch butterflies take flight in SR 189 construction

By Lori Baker / ADOT Communications
November 24, 2020

SR 189 and I-19_100720

As State Route 189 construction progresses from the international border of Mexico to Grand Avenue in Nogales, monarch butterflies are emerging throughout the new highway structures. 

Abstract butterflies are cascading down the concrete piers being installed for the new bridge and flyover ramps connecting SR 189 and Interstate 19.

“This design shows how these butterflies cluster together on tree trunks,” said Landscape Architectural Designer Joseph R. Salazar, who is the project aesthetic manager. Three-dimensional metal butterflies will be attached as accent icons on the concrete retaining walls. Abstract butterfly designs also will be incorporated in landform graphics. 

Why were butterflies chosen as the project’s aesthetic theme? 

ADOT roadside development team members studied the cultural, historical and biological contexts in the Nogales Port of Entry area. They learned that SR 189 is also known as Mariposa (Spanish for butterfly) Road. In addition, the North American monarch butterflies are significant in this region — migrating through Arizona between Mexico and Canada in the fall and spring. 

“I decided to incorporate the monarch butterfly because it represents movement and transportation, which ties in with the busy Nogales Port of Entry that has a lot of trade going back and forth,” Salazar said. 

The monarch butterflies’ bold colors and shapes echo the vibrant colors, cultural and natural beauty of the area. Monarch butterflies are under consideration by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for inclusion on the Endangered Species List.

The SR 189 landscaping will benefit monarch butterflies because milkweed shrubs — the primary food source for monarch caterpillars — will be part of the vegetation. Roadside Resources Specialist Kris Gade is part of a group that developed a nationwide candidate conservation agreement for monarch butterflies to conserve and enhance monarch butterfly habitat, including providing vegetation they need to survive, such as milkweed. 

“ADOT supported development of the agreement and is working on identifying monarch butterfly habitat areas in rights of way around the state,” she added. 

View more photos of the butterfly design in the SR 189 highway on the embedded Flickr album. Read more about the highway improvements and see a video with a butterfly’s view of Mariposa Road

Traffic shift begins on SR 189 in Nogales

Traffic shift begins on SR 189 in Nogales

I-17 101 traffic interchange

Traffic shift begins on SR 189 in Nogales

Traffic shift begins on SR 189 in Nogales

October 27, 2020

State Route 189 improvement project

PHOENIX – Drivers on State Route 189 in Nogales should plan for possible delays between Frank Reed Road and Interstate 19 as work crews shift traffic to continue work on flyover ramps connecting SR 189 and I-19.

Lane closures will alternate over the next several months while crews continue work on the ramps, which will remove delays for commercial trucks carrying international commerce and improve safety in the area of Nogales High School.

Restrictions are expected to be in place until spring 2021. Two lanes will remain open during daylight hours to accommodate heavier traffic. Drivers may want to use Target Range Road between SR 189 and I-19 to avoid potential delays in the work zone.

The ramps will connect in the median of SR 189 west of Frank Reed Road. Northbound drivers will enter the ramp from the left lane of SR 189 and enter I-19 just north of the existing on-ramp. Southbound drivers will enter the off-ramp north of the current off-ramp and enter SR 189 from the median. The existing ramps will remain open after construction is complete.

The improvements are expected to attract even more international commerce to Nogales, which currently sees about 80 percent of Arizona's trade with Mexico. Each year, about 360,000 trucks carrying produce and other products from Mexico currently enter the US in Nogales and follow SR 189 to I-19. Improvements to the Mariposa Port of Entry completed in 2014 will accommodate increasing traffic.

The work is being funded in part by a $25 million investment by the Arizona Legislature and a $25 million federal TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) grant. Doing the work as one project instead of two saves about $13 million compared with a two-phase project.

For more information, please visit

A butterfly’s view of Mariposa Road

A butterfly’s view of Mariposa Road


A butterfly’s view of Mariposa Road

A butterfly’s view of Mariposa Road

By Tom Herrmann / ADOT Communications
September 28, 2020

Mariposa, as Spanish speakers in Santa Cruz County and beyond can tell you, means butterfly. Nogales residents will be seeing more monarchs this fall as the butterflies migrate through the area on the way to the mountains of central Mexico.

The Arizona Department of Transportation is celebrating monarch butterflies in a project now underway on Mariposa Road, also known as State Route 189. Piers supporting new ramps connecting SR 189 with Interstate 19 will feature three-dimensional monarch butterflies.

The improvements to Mariposa Road will bring important benefits to Nogales and southern Arizona. International trucks bringing produce and other products into Arizona will enter the ramps before they reach Frank Reed Road. That will allow them to avoid three traffic signals while entering I-19, saving the trucking companies time and money – and attracting more international commerce to cross the border in Nogales, boosting the local and state economies.

It also will bring improved safety on one of Nogales’ most-important roads. Removing about 360,000 commercial trucks a year from SR 189 will mean a safer ride to school for Nogales High School students and easier shopping trips to Mariposa Shopping Center and the other businesses east of I-19.

The best way to see the progress we’ve made this summer is from above, from a butterfly’s perspective. You can see that in the short video to the right, shot by a drone in August. You can also browse through the Flickr slideshow below. So take a moment to see what we’ve accomplished so far. We’ll be back when we’re closer to completion to give you another look at this important project.

SR 189 and I-19 (080420)

Adelante Nogales via SR 189

Adelante Nogales via SR 189


Adelante Nogales via SR 189

Adelante Nogales via SR 189

By Gaby Gonzalez Kemp / ADOT Communications
September 23, 2020

Gaby Gonzalez Kemp, Nogales High School homecoming 1998

I don’t get the opportunity to visit Nogales as often as I’d like, but the rolling green hills of Santa Cruz County seem to welcome me back with open arms as I exit Interstate 19 on that unique left exit to this quaint, little town I call home.  It is such a special place. 

I don’t think local residents really recognize how special our hometown is until they depart and live elsewhere. But, at the end of the day, or at the end of I-19, there’s no place like home. And, these days, our home is getting a remodel. 

The “remodel” encompasses improving State Route 189 (Mariposa Road) from the international border with Mexico to Grand Avenue. The purpose of the project is to improve traffic flow and safety. 

Nogales is changing and these roadway improvements are going to pave the way for more good things to come, not only for Nogales, but for the state and the nation. In the age of Key Commerce Corridors, Nogales plays a HUGE role in the vitality and fruitfulness of North America! 

To that end, the future is looking like two new “flyover” ramps extending from east to north on Mariposa Road and south to west from I-19, to help hundreds of commercial trucks get to and from the Mariposa Port of Entry on SR 189. 

As a proud Nogales High School graduate (shout out to the Class of 1998!), who was once a teen driver navigating Frank Reed Road and Grand Avenue, I can attest to the fact that it is a good idea to separate teens and other local drivers, like my parents and my tias, from commercial truck traffic. I am relieved to see these improvements do just that at this critical intersection. 

The Arizona Department of Transportation project is going to change the face of Nogales in a good way. Finally, we will have the infrastructure to support all the potential that Nogales has and newcomers will be able to see it as they arrive in our homey little town. Whether it’s a visiting football team from Tucson or delegations from Washington, D.C., these eye-catching engineering improvements are important for both the people who live and work in Nogales as well as others across the nation. More than ever, we are all connected. Investing at our border in Nogales means success for the nation. Bravo Nogales, the unsung hero!

So, will there be some headaches? Claro, que sí, es normal. It is normal to have some growing pains. Will we do everything we possibly can to inform the community so you can plan ahead and work together to try to resolve issues? Claro que si! After serving Arizona residents across the state for nearly 10 years, I can tell you that ADOT is committed to strengthening our communities through developing collaborative solutions. 

Is everyone always going to be happy while construction is underway? Pues, no. But, I promise we will do our best to minimize impacts and keep everyone up to date. This project is near and dear to my heart because I want to see Nogales be poised to win. Do we need everyone to do their part and be patient, flexible and vigilant during construction? Claro que si! This is a team effort, and you also have an important role to play.

What can you do? Informate. Inform yourself. Visit the project website, call us, text us (but, please don’t text us while driving). Cuidado. This is a great new adventure; let’s work together to continue to more forward, or para seguir adelante mi querido Nogales! Y si se les ofrece algo, aqui estamos para servirles (if you need something we are here to help!).


Work begins on State Route 189 improvements in Nogales

Work begins on State Route 189 improvements in Nogales

I-17 101 traffic interchange

Work begins on State Route 189 improvements in Nogales

Work begins on State Route 189 improvements in Nogales

May 15, 2020

PHOENIX – An Arizona Department of Transportation project that will speed up international commerce, boost the economy and make Nogales traffic safer has begun near Arizona’s southern border.

To make way for improvements to State Route 189 (Mariposa Road) in Nogales, the 3.75-mile road that connects the international border with Interstate 19, crews have been clearing brush from the path of the first of two flyover ramps that will connect northbound SR 189 with northbound I-19. Construction is scheduled to start in earnest next week and take about 18 months.   

“The improvements coming to State Route 189 are not only going to support international commerce and economic growth but make Mariposa Road safer for the local community,” ADOT Director John Halikowski said. “When everything is finished, these improvements are going to make it even better to live and do business in Nogales, Santa Cruz County and southern Arizona.”

Construction will begin almost immediately on the flyover ramp connecting northbound SR 189 with I-19. The ramp will begin west of Frank Reed Road, curve south of SR 189, cross over I-19 and SR 189 before connecting with I-19 just north of the current entrance ramp. Flyover ramps connecting with both directions of I-19 will eliminate the need for commercial trucks to stop for as many as three traffic lights before beginning the trip north toward Tucson and markets across the U.S.

Drivers using SR 189 should watch for short-term lane closures for exploratory drilling. No other lane restrictions are planned in the near future.

The $134 million project also includes building a roundabout at SR 189 and Target Range Road as well as a traffic signal, drainage improvements and additional work, including improvements east of I-19 and on Grand Avenue. The existing freeway on- and off-ramps will remain in use until the project is completed.

The flyover ramps also will improve safety by reducing truck traffic on SR 189. Most trucks will leave SR 189 before reaching Frank Reed Road, the primary entrance to Nogales High School, improving safety for students and their parents.

The work is funded in part by a $25 million investment by the Arizona Legislature and a $25 million federal TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) grant.

For more information, please visit

A big day not just for Nogales but for all of Arizona

A big day not just for Nogales but for all of Arizona


A big day not just for Nogales but for all of Arizona

A big day not just for Nogales but for all of Arizona

By Steve Elliott / ADOT Communications
March 13, 2020

On March 4, Governor Doug Ducey and others gathered in Nogales to break ground for a project improving State Route 189, the 3.75-mile state highway connecting the Mariposa Port of Entry and Interstate 19. This is a big deal not just for Nogales and Santa Cruz County but for all of Arizona and beyond, as SR 189 carries a large share of the winter produce consumed in the United States and plays a big role in the state economy. 

The Mariposa Port of Entry saw about $24.1 billion in imports and exports in 2018, and up to 1,800 commercial trucks a day use SR 189 during winter months.

The video at right allows you to experience the excitement of the groundbreaking ceremony and learn more about the $134 million in improvements coming to SR 189, known locally as Mariposa Road. These include flyover ramps connecting with the interstate that will eliminate the need for commercial trucks to stop as many as three times between I-19 and the international border.

With the flyover ramps connecting with SR 189 west of Frank Reed Road, the improvements will enhance safety for students of nearby Nogales High School. The project also includes a new roundabout at Target Range Road and improved drainage and traffic signals. 

Construction is expected to begin in April and take about 18 months to complete. You can learn more about SR 189 improvements and their value to Arizona's economy at